the difference between coronary cta and angiography

The most effective way for a patient to diagnose his condition is to get an examination. According to the patient’s description of the symptoms of the condition, different examinations are needed to diagnose. The two examinations, cta and angiography, are both for the examination of the heart and blood vessels. You can see the stenosis of the heart and blood vessels. Some patients want to know about this. What is the difference between coronary cta and angiography?

Clinical coronary artery cta is also known as coronary imaging. The doctor will inject an enhancer into the superficial vein of the patient, and then use CT technology to examine the patient’s coronary artery. Whether there are stenosis lesions in the coronary arteries, the diagnosis of the location, extent, severity, and vessel wall conditions of the lesion is a non-invasive inspection technique.

Coronary angiography is clinically called coronary angiography. During the examination, the doctor will insert a very thin catheter into the patient’s aorta, and then send blood to the aorta through the catheter Injecting a certain dose of contrast agent, and finally showing the shape of blood vessels and heart under X-ray irradiation, it is an invasive diagnostic technique.

Coronary artery cta examination has certain requirements for patients. If there is renal insufficiency, arrhythmia, and allergy to contrast agents, it cannot be done. It is easy to judge the existence of vascular stenosis during the examination. Error, and it is only an inspection, not a cure. Coronary angiography is more accurate, and the condition can be diagnosed in detail, and the treatment plan can be determined during the examination.