Problem description: I have had two fetuses. The first was abortion, and the second was drug abortion. The menstruation was basically abnormal later. It started once every two months, and then it gradually became normal. Menstruation is basically delayed by one week. Now I’m preparing for pregnancy. From the end of last month’s menstruation, last month’s menstruation was delayed by one week, this month was delayed by eight days. During the period, it was tested with a pregnancy test stick. It did not show pregnancy. Today’s menstruation is coming. But the lower abdomen is very painful, there is a feeling of falling, the amount of bleeding is relatively large, the color is relatively dark, and there are blood clots.
Question date:2020-09-12
Patient information:Age: 23 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Because the patient has a history of miscarriage, the first consideration is that the patient is likely to have repeated miscarriages, which leads to pelvic inflammation.
Guiding suggestions: In this case, I personally suggest that patients should pay attention to strengthening the body’s resistance after menstruation, so that the patient’s pelvic inflammation can be completely cured. You can take the gynecological daughter under the guidance of a doctor. sheet.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection