Problem description: Hello, I had my last menstrual period on July 14th. I was pregnant on August 17th. I had the same room at the end of July and the same room on August 3rd. I don’t know. Is the child in August or at the end of July
Question date:2020-09-14
Patient information: Age: 37 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, normal menstruation is regular, ovulation period is the same room conception, the ovulation period will happen 14 days before the next month menstruation, because your menstruation is 7.14, the ovulation period is just 7 At the end of the month, the most likely to be conception at the end of July
Guidelines: This conception time can only be approximated, not accurate. If you want to be sure, you can only do a paternity test
Suggestion For reference only, if the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination