I believe that I am only suitable for doing one thing, it is easy to get into trouble.

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Editor’s note: “Follow your passion” is a very misleading suggestion. When our passion is exhausted, it will hinder progress. There are two views on passion. One is the theory of passion. It is thought that a person’s passion for something is inherent, just waiting to be discovered. This is similar to a person who believes in a true life. The problem caused by this view is that it is “too much believable”, so when you encounter small setbacks, you will feel that this is not my real life and choose to let go. Letting people follow their passion may cause them to put all their eggs in the same basket, but when they find the basket difficult to carry, they will be thrown away. Another point of view is the theory of passion for growth, which regards passion as a quality that can be cultivated, so they are more open and resilient. This kind of thinking has led to a greater interest in new areas, knowing that pursuing interest is sometimes accompanied by challenges, but it also maintains greater interest as challenges arise. We should know that when passion is exhausted, developing good curiosity is the best solution. This article was translated from the original article titled “The Worst Advice I Ever Received Was ‘Follow Your Passion’”. I hope to inspire you.

passionism theory VS passion growth theory: how to have the thrill of controlling life?

To be happy, you must follow your passion. This is the advice I have followed since I graduated from college. Under the guidance of this advice, I took the first step into the workplace. I thought I knew what my passion was: I love fashion, I am better at editing text than design, so I plan to work as a global fashion brand.

But after a few years of public relations work at a high-end studio in New York, I felt very painful. The ugly and bad behavior behind the scenes made me resentful of the industry. As interest and patience faded, I looked around for inspiration. What am I still passionate about?

The answer is: a lot. Over time, I started a dynamic, freelance career, working in a variety of areas of interest: writing, acting, life coaching, production modeling, and content creation.

This is a far cry from the idea I just graduated: I thought I could go to a unique and passionate road that would take me to long-term happiness. But the truth is that following the passion did not take me anywhere. And to help me get rid of the predicament is to follow curiosity.

Research shows that telling people to “find their passion” is not only useless advice, but also harmful. In a paper published last year in the journal Psychological Science, the author contrasts the “fixed” theory of passion (the passion exists in our body, which has been fully formed and is waiting to be discovered) and the concept of “destined” love. . Researchers write that people who hold a “fixed” view of love may believe in “the true child”, which will allow them to let go quickly when they have a small setback in their relationship.

Similarly, the authors find that the belief that “passion is unique and innate” leads people to give up too quickly when they find an interesting but challenging path. He writes: “Let people Following your passion may cause them to put all their eggs in the same basket, but when they find that the basket is difficult to carry, they will be thrown away.”

On the other hand, those who hold a “growth” perspective on passion are more likely to see it as a culture that can be cultivated, so they are more open and resilient. The author writes that this idea “causes people to show greater interest in new areas, foreseeing that interest is sometimes accompanied by challenges, while maintaining greater interest as challenges arise.”

And when passion is exhausted, developing good curiosity is the best solution.

passionism VS passion growth theory: how to have the thrill of controlling life?

I quit my job because I realized that because of fear, I was myself The so-called “passion” is trapped. I am the first generation of college students in immigrant families. For the family, I have a lot of pressure on the economy. Switching to a new area seems unlikely. But I need to feel the feeling of controlling my life again.

Then I flashed a flash: I don’t need to start again, I just need to be a bit more flexible. When I put down my fear of failure, I found that the rigid concept of success prevented me from moving forward. I don’t have to follow a well-defined career plan. Instead, I can use my skills as a former publicist to recommend my own content creation and connections to brands. Now, after I find that I have resigned from my hateful work, I can easily regain my communication skills that are driving me to fashion and apply it to new areas of interest to me.

Carol Dewijk, a psychology professor at Stanford University, is one of the authors of the study in the journal Psychological Science. She may call this growth-oriented thinking. In her book, Mind Mode, she defines growth thinking as facing the challenge with curiosity, and can see difficulties as the cornerstone of tempering. It’s like engaging in ongoing training to maintain interest in your field, or being flexible enough to realize when to seek new opportunities. Or both.

I believe that being born to be only one thing is easy to get into trouble. Growth means getting out of trouble means opening up new interests and ideas and letting them guide you.

And do you know what the best is? No one – even you don’t know it yourself – where this road will lead.

Original link: https://forge.medium.com/the-worst-advice-i-ever-received-was -follow-your-passion-604ee72342c

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Translator: Jane