Two days ago, “The Deer and the Ding Ji” has been searching the butcher list hotly, with a lot of scolding. I wondered if it was so bad, so I opened it and watched it.

Anyway, I regret it now.

Let’s not talk about the most classic version of Chen Xiaochun in my memory. I originally thought that Huang Xiaoming’s version was already the bottom line, but Zhang Yishan’s version directly penetrated the lower limit.

Actually, Huang Xiaoming’s version is not bad, but Huang Jiaozhu’s evil and enchanting acting skills are really not suitable for Wei Xiaobao’s role, and he loses to the hero.

Actually, like many people before, I thought Zhang Yishan was closer to Wei Xiaobao in image and temperament, but after watching his performance, I just wanted to say to Teacher Huang Xiaoming, “Sorry, you have been wronged these years.”