This article is from WeChat official account: Vista to see the world (ID: vistaweek) , Author: Gu Xiaofan, from the title figure: Vision China

“Fighting with neighbors” will definitely be on the top of the list of “100 Ways to Kill This Youth”.

First of all, the difficulty is that you have to know your neighbors.

This is enough to defeat the young people who want to rush into the quilt after work, and even the co-rented roommates don’t want to deal with them.

Secondly, it requires a person not to cherish one’s face so much, and dare to fight for damaged interests.

Vista Liu Yifei is a typical post-90s.

When decorating the house, her powerful electric drill seemed to have cracked the tiles of the residents upstairs; this made her feel guilty for a long time, until the toilet upstairs leaked to the ceiling of her home, she felt relieved–

It’s even.

During this process, neither of the two parties has ever asked the other to make a two-word theory, and reached a restriction on each other in a subtle tacit understanding.

Knocking on the neighbor’s door is so difficult, not to mention having a shameless quarrel with the neighbor in front of the entire community, even on the mediation program of the TV station.

So it can be imagined that when young people saw the following scene on TV, how much shock their souls were –

A community in Beijing organized a meeting to try to discuss the issue of installing elevators in the old community for the Nth time. An elder sister who lives on the first floor just refused to let go, and even became more and more angry with the residents upstairs, and she cursed the street: “The windows upstairs are all open.