This article is from WeChat official account:Times Weekly (ID: timeweekly), author: Marnie, editor: Ma Huan, hill, head Figure from: vision China

The first generation of football kings has come to an end.

At 12:50 noon on November 25th, local time(23:50 pm on November 25th, Beijing time), Argentina star Diego Maradona (Diego Maradona) died of a cardiac arrest at his home in Buenos Aires at the age of 60.

Argentina is inseparable from football, and Argentine football is inseparable from Maradona. From players to coaches, Maradona has always been the “most winning” person in the history of Argentine football, and is also called “God” by the Argentines(El Dios)“.

His life once reached its peak, and then fell to the bottom. He has experienced the darkest despair. He was unable to cope with the exquisite flattery brought by superstar status and godlike status, and at the same time seemed to be inseparable from all this.

But it is undeniable that the Argentine’s closest memory to “victory” is Maradona.

In history, the Argentine national team participated in a total of 17 World Cups. The most recent championship was won under the leadership of Maradona in 1986. In the following 34 years, he has never won any World Cup titles.

Argentina needs people like Maradona to lead it to victory, to greatness, and to everything it thinks is worthy of. However, he had to accept that he made various mistakes and