Problem description: I used to have a lot of hair, but now I have only a small amount of hair fall. I need to wash my hair every day and use a lot of shampoos to no avail. Now my scalp is a little bald. . . . Seek ways to improve! Thank you!
Question date:2020-09-24
Patient information:Age: 19 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, for your age, hair fall so much, it is already a morbid condition, and a complete cure in a short time is impossible. It is recommended to go to a regular hospital and get treatment under doctor’s examination immediately.
Guiding suggestions: It is recommended to go to a regular hospital to find a specialist for symptomatic treatment, and treatment is a continuous process, so be patient. In addition, pay attention to the usual light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less meaty, fried and roadside stalls, and eat high dietary intake to keep the scalp clean and fresh.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection