Problem description: Sexual dysfunction, psychological pressure is great, it is not easy to see a woman, and it may be hard for half an hour to move a little by myself, and it is always easy to become weak, and there may also be inflammation
Question date:2020-09-29
Patient information:Age: 39 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis:Hello, according to your description, this is a typical impotence and erectile dysfunction. There are many reasons for this symptom, such as mental stress, diet, daily routine, symptomatic treatment and conditioning, and it takes a long time.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended to go to the andrology department of the local regular hospital for examination as soon as possible, and treat the symptoms according to the doctor’s advice. If there is still a mental problem, it is also necessary to see a psychiatrist. In addition, in view of the current situation, stop the couple for a period of time to cooperate with treatment, eat a light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, quit smoking and alcohol, exercise more to enhance physical function, go to bed early and wake up early and do not stay up late.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection