Problem description: A friend of mine has mild brain atrophy and diabetes. What should I do if mild brain atrophy plus diabetes?
Question date:2020-09-27
Patient information: Age: 54 Gender: Female
Mild brain atrophy plus diabetes Choose medication and control your diet.
After mild brain atrophy and diabetes, you can choose to use medications, and you must control your diet. Do not eat any foods with high sugar content, otherwise it will easily lead to complications, such as numbness of the limbs Or pale, palpitations, coma, unconsciousness, and other symptoms. When treating diabetes, you can choose to use some medications, such as choosing insulin injections.
You can choose yoga, playing ball and other sports in the usual way of exercise. They can promote metabolism, prevent constipation, and control diabetes.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection