Problem description: I have a lot of things on my body and some itching. The doctor said I have dermatitis. The harm of dermatitis?
Date of problem:2020-09-27
Patient information:Age: 52 Gender: Female
Dermatitis harm can affect normal life , Affecting the appearance.
Dermatitis is considered to be caused by improper diet or contact with allergic substances, and it is not ruled out that it is caused by factors such as living environment. It often occurs at the back of the neck or between the thighs and calves, and the patient will show abnormal symptoms such as pimples or itching. When these symptoms appear, you should go to a regular hospital for dermatological examination in time, and you can use antihistamines under the guidance of a doctor.
Patients should pay attention to keeping the local area clean and dry during treatment. Do not eat spicy and greasy foods. At the same time, avoid scratching with your hands, which may cause infection.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection