From decentralization to centralization, the essential needs of WeChat applet are flow retention.

After the multi-tasking floating window, the WeChat applet will be centered on the portal.

August 7, according to the WeChat public number, the main newsletter of the WeChat small program is currently undergoing internal testing. After retaining users through multi-tasking floating windows, WeChat is trying to increase the exposure of high-quality small programs. .

In the latest WeChat beta version, the “Discovery – Applet” entry page has been completely renewed. The main columns are based on the original “small applet”, “my applet” and “recent use”. In the above, new “recommended use”, “everyone is using”, “dynamic” and other columns have been added, and the location is more obvious.

The front line|The WeChat applet will be displayed as

Image Source: The image on the right is from WeChat public account: Xiao program observation

The new section “Recommended” is more of a small program that the user has used; “Everyone is using” is a small program commonly used by selected users and friends; the “Dynamic” column is observed by the program, and the lower side is recommended. The small program is neither a friend nor a high-scoring applet. The 10 “small” programs are more likely to be from WeChat recommendations, and a closer look at the “Dynamic-Small Program” presentation is more like a public stream.

WeChat official responded, WeChat is exploring the “Discovery – Applet” interface The revision, I hope to help users find the small program they want to use more quickly:

1. Improve efficiency, such as providing quick access to commonly used applets, recent usage, and my applets;

2. Help discover and help users discover small programs that may be of interest through nearby applets, everyone, dynamic content, and more. The current revision form is testing a small amount of grayscale on the Android side, and the page form will be continuously optimized.

In other words, the final version of the WeChat applet is still unknown. Recently, WeChat small program upgrades are somewhat frequent, only inIn July, attempts to “small program floating windows”, “one thing, one code”, “AR capability” and other shortcomings for the “ready-to-use” of small programs were launched, and achieved certain results in retention and promotion.

According to Aladdin data, WeChat “multi-tasking floating window” went online for two days, and the traffic volume increased by 14.1%. Since then, the traffic growth rate has increased steadily at a rate of 2% per day. In less than a month, floating windows have become an important entry point for users to access small programs in addition to pull-downs and searches.

This new version of the beta is also following the idea of ​​retention.

If the previous “floating window” is used as a new usage scenario, increasing the possibility of secondary access by users, then the current “discovery-applet” by letting the popular applet under “dynamic” Displayed by means of information, “People in use” based on social strong connections and “recommended use” to facilitate users to find traces of their own use, is to find ways to reduce the cost of users looking for small programs, will The user pulls in this entrance.

Especially for the “dynamic” information flow, WeChat actively recommends the recent hotspot applet to the user, regardless of whether it is finally online or not, which means that WeChat is trying to centralize the recommendation.

There is no coincidence. Today’s headlines highlight the information flow recommendation of small games and applets in the new version. In the APP channel, a new “small game” is added, and the small game is distributed as a centralized portal. In the information flow page, there is a direct push small program service, and the headline applet has a larger exposure. It is conceivable that WeChat “dynamic” applet recommendation will also become a burst of quality small programs.

In the 2019 WeChat advertising small program traffic conference, the official announced the four key directions of the small program in the second half of the year: efficiency upgrade, discovery upgrade, touch upgrade, growth and upgrade.

The front line|WeChat small program will be displayed as

Image Source: Aladdin Small Program Data Statistics Platform

At present, WeChat applet is trying to find upgrades, and it is convenient for users to search and find, so as to achieve new, retain, and promote the whole small program ecology.