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Cao Cao travel x Jingdong payment activity time August 8 – August 28 activity rules in Cao Cao travel APP with Jingdong payment channel charge

Cao Cao travel x Jingdong payment
Event time August 8th – August 28th
Event rules
Traveling in Cao Cao APP uses Jingdong payment channel to recharge and enjoy triple discounts
Private one: use Jingdong to recharge, reduce 10 yuan
(1 time per day, 3 times during the event, limited daily first-come-first-served basis) Br>Offer 2: Recharge with Jingdong White Bar, set aside 20 yuan
(Only for the participation of Jingdong White Strip users, 1 time per person, first come first served)
Offer 3: In addition to the above offers, you can also enjoy Single random reduction