See the prompt “The other party is typing…” on the WeChat chat box. The reminder is flashing for a long time. The heart is always mixed, one minute, two minutes, the logo is intermittent and the last one is not seen, and then swept. What comes is a burst of depression and anxiety that is difficult to suppress.

Many people are familiar with such emotions. Compared to what we saw in the chat box, the content that may have been typed out but deleted has become even more curious.

▲ Comics Jim Is Typing

The text can’t fully reflect a person’s true thoughts and moods. Even if it is face-to-face communication, we will involuntarily guess the true intentions of the other through the look and body movements. While chatting online, some seemingly unrelated instructions have begun to be given more meaning.

But the initial appearance of this feature was actually just to shorten the gap between chats.

The origin of it is to let us confirm that the other party is still “online”

Unlike many technical inventions that like touting innovation, such as “the other party is typing…”, which has a wide range of applicability functions, many people will regard it as a rational