Can okra be eaten

Okra is a kind of vegetable, its nutritional value is still quite high, rich in vitamins, all many people like to eat it, and okra is not only for cooking It can also be made into dried okra as a snack, but some people worry that okra cannot be eaten during special periods. So, can okra be eaten during pregnancy?

Okra can be eaten during pregnancy. Okra is also a kind of vegetable. It has various nutrients such as vitamins. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women to eat too much. It doesn’t matter if you eat it once in a while. If pregnant women have bad intestines, then don’t eat it, so as not to cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and other problems.

If pregnant women have some calcium deficiency, they can also eat some okra. Okra has a good calcium supplement effect. Okra contains low oxalic acid. Of course, you are eating autumn It is not allowed to drink the foods containing oxalic acid when the sunflower is eaten, otherwise it will cause the absorption of calcium in okra to be slow, and the effect of calcium supplementation will not be achieved.

Okra also has the effect of protecting eyes, because okra contains a lot of vitamin a and carotene, etc., pregnant women can also protect their eyes, improve eyesight, and It can prevent and treat eyes. The vitamin C and pectin in okra can also delay aging and make pregnant women’s skin better. So pregnant women can eat some okra appropriately.