Can horseshoe be eaten

The taste of horseshoe is very sweet and crisp. It is very popular with the masses. It can be used as fillings for dumplings, fried dices, soups, etc., but not all Everyone is suitable for eating horseshoes, so for Huayun women, can horseshoes be eaten during pregnancy?

Pregnant women can eat horseshoes during pregnancy. Pregnant women are prone to get angry, constipation, and indigestion during pregnancy. Horseshoes have diuretic and laxative, clearing heat and promoting fluid, in addition to bloating and digestion, etc. Therefore, pregnant women eating horseshoes can effectively reduce the above-mentioned problems, and at the same time alleviate the edema during pregnancy.

But it should be noted that if pregnant women have a weak spleen and stomach, it is best not to eat horseshoes, because horseshoes are cold food. It is found that the horseshoe cannot be eaten after it has sprouted. The horseshoe sprouting is a condition of growth and dormancy, and then gradually decays to breed a large number of bacteria, which will cause diarrhea after eating. When eating horseshoes, it must be peeled and cooked before eating. This can kill bacteria and parasites and prevent bacteria or parasites from entering the gastrointestinal tract and causing physical discomfort.

Pregnant women should eat more foods with higher nutritional value, and also pay attention to the comprehensiveness and diversity of nutrition. Don’t always eat what you like, only for one aspect It is easy to cause nutritional imbalance, which will also affect the fetus, and may cause unnecessary diseases. Pregnant women should also pay attention to exercise more at ordinary times, and strengthen their body to improve their own immunity. If their own immunity is strong, they will not easily get sick.