Problem description: I have always had oily hair. I wash my hair every other day. I lose a lot of hair every time I wash my hair. Hair loss has increased in the past six months, and hair loss is concentrated on the top of the head. Sometimes a strand of hair falls together, and it also falls when you don’t wash your hair. The skin on the back of the face is usually oilier with large pores. Facial oil is severe in summer, oil is reduced in winter, and the ears are also greasy. Can it be treated? Are there medicines to control oil production? Newly grown short hair shampoo will also fall off.
Question date:2020-10-07
Patient information:Age: 27 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: In this case, first consider that the patient has seborrheic alopecia. The root cause of seborrheic alopecia is directly related to excessive oil secretion.
Guide and suggestion: Patients should first regulate the endocrine function. It is recommended that patients first ensure sleep. Maintaining a good mood is the foundation of treatment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection