Sports addiction, riding on the head.

It was learned that the Happy Spinning Fitness Studio brand “Happy Cycle” has completed the Pre-A round of financing, and the investor is Yulin Capital.

Happy Cycle Founded in 2018, Happy Cycle is a fitness studio brand based on the dynamic cycling category. Based on the concept of “Make Fitness Having a Better Life”, Happy Cycle offers immersive fitness scenes and dynamic cycling verticals with music, games, video, social and other entertainment elements, allowing users to complete their fitness in the entertainment experience.

Sports bikes can be said to be standard equipment for large-scale comprehensive gymnasiums. In recent years, the emerging multi-group gymnasiums that have grown rapidly have bicycle categories. In contrast, Happy Cycle has taken the category of “Sports Bike” to create a more systematic and standardized operation and curriculum design. At present, there are 7 stores, and it is planned to reach 50 stores by the end of 2019, covering Central China, including Wuhan, Nanchang and Changsha.

Starting|Excavating the spinning class fitness opportunity,

As for why the bicycle is selected as a chain, Happy Sweet’s co-founder and CEO Liu Tiantian said that the bicycle category is a standard for large-scale comprehensive gyms, with low participation threshold and widely accepted by users. Secondly, dynamic Bicycles have high fat burning efficiency and are easy to adhere to. If you do fine operations in lighting, courses, music and gameplay, it is easy to immerse yourself in the exercise process and get a better sports experience.

Happy Cycle’s core team has more than 12 years of experience in offline chain fitness. Liu Tiantian told that the biggest pain point of offline fitness is not that the willingness to pay is not enough. According to their observations, there are many people who are willing to pay, but can continue to exercise for a long time after paying, and there are too few people who form exercise habits. In the traditional gym, the renewal rate is too low

This is back to the old topic of “fitness and anti-humanity”. Liu Tiantian said that the stress of life in contemporary people is too great, and the pressure from all sides makes young people breathless, so from the beginning, Happy Cycle It won’t be rewarded with fat loss and body management, but wants to value the user experience, allows users to move happily, all courses and store settingsThe meter is launched from the “good experience”. The user does not do physical measurements in the store, and never let the user weigh the weight. The ride is to take a breather, decompress, relax and sweat.

Therefore, in the course content, Happy Cycle has done the following design:

  • Experienced riding. Happy Cycle has independently developed a variety of courses on different topics, such as scenic cycling (focusing on real-life simulation), game-based courses (emphasis on competitive), and martial arts and animation courses. The classroom has a huge screen, and the lighting and sound are unified. Standards, in conjunction with professional music production, are designed to allow members to better substitute courses in different scenarios and themes.

  • Enhance entertainment. In addition to the game class just mentioned above, the team also designed the bicycle, and the hardware also made an intelligent exploration. During the class, members scan the code to unlock the bicycle, and the data monitored by the bicycle and heart rate belt, such as heart rate, cadence, calorie consumption, riding distance and other data can be collected and displayed on the big screen in real time, in addition to exciting the PK mentality, quantifiable target. It is also easier to adhere to, such as the annual riding distance “around a circle in Hubei Province”, but also stimulate sharing.

  • Localized curriculum development. The Latin American system introduced by the mainstream bicycle class in the country, but Liu Tiantian said that the course of Laimei focuses on riding itself and is less entertaining. Therefore, the company introduces Korean fancy cycling elements into the course, and the bicycle combines dance, which is more cheerful and the scene is also more beautiful.

Starting|Excavating Spinning Classes Fitness Opportunity,

Liu Tiantian said that the target group of Happy Cycle is Xiaobai users. Their characteristics are that they are willing to try, but the physical and sports foundation is weak. The introduced courses are still high-level for the current white users, so the course is also Step by step to do different difficulty design. Xiaobai users who have just arrived at the store recommend more basic courses. The focus is on playing and unconsciously improving physical fitness. The course movements are relatively simple, and they are more thoughtful in music and scenes.

A few months later, the user’s physical fitness has accumulated, and the exercise habits have been cultivated. You can cut into more professional functional courses, using small instruments such as dumbbells and elastic ropes, and adding core, upper limbs, waist and abdomen. training. For high-end users, there are professional cycling classes and customized group lessons.

Happy Cycle also adopts a pay-per-view model. The price of a single class varies from 9.9 yuan, 19.9 yuan to 75.9 yuan, and the conversion rate is as high as 90%. The users of Happy Cycle are mostly distributed between 18-35 years old.

Talking about investment logic, Liu Yuheng, partner of Yulin Capital, said that fitness service is a popular track in the wave of consumption upgrades. Happy Cycle combines entertainment and fitness effectively to solve the pain points of fitness anti-humanity and turn exercise into fitness. With entertainment consumption and a wide user base, Haolin Capital is optimistic about such new fitness formats with high frequency efficiency and data operation. 3