Some koala employees still have to work overtime on weekends.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “investing in the network” (ID: China-Venture), author Xue Ying, editor Han Honggang.

The koala that burned money dragged Netease's hind legs: Is $2 billion sold to Ali the right choice?

The 816 promotion of NetEase Koala is still going on. The small koala on the open screen is sitting on a hot air balloon, and it is throwing money to the modern city below. The mall is full of 298 minus 200 and other benefits. Constantly, the “mad rushing in progress” activity stimulates people’s desire to buy, a boom in the era of consumption.

The koala that burned money dragged Netease's hind legs: Is $2 billion sold to Ali the right choice?

Note: The opening screen of the August 16 promotion of Netease Koala

But this scene did not arouse the enthusiasm of the koala staff. Some employees ate the meal. In the elevator, they all saw black pressed koala culture shirts. Everyone was discussing the acquisition. Going to the bathroom, people who met all the way were discussing the resume, dividing the level, everyone was heart-wrenching.

August 15, economic news in the 21st century, Alibaba confirmed the acquisition of NetEase koala for 2 billion US dollars, the details are still in negotiation. For this news, Alibaba and Netease still do not comment, koala employees, will continue to work overtime on weekends.

As early as 2017, Koala was found to be planning financing, and hoped to split it out through mergers and acquisitions and stand on the market. Last year, the koala was smashed and sought to merge with Amazon China’s Haitao business. Some analysts believe that this is actually trying to split the koala for financing. Netease CFO Yang Zhaoyu also said: “In due course, we will consider introducing external strategic shareholders. “.

The road to independent listing was blocked. This koala, which only sprinkled money, was finally sold by NetEase.

First, re-create a NetEase with e-commerce

2016At the World Internet Conference in the year, Ding Lei made a bold statement: I hope that in the next three to five years, NetEase Koala will be able to achieve a scale of 50 billion to 100 billion, and create a NetEase in the e-commerce battlefield.

At that time, what made Ding Lei feel excited was the new track of cross-border e-commerce. In 2014, the General Administration of Customs issued documents promulgated as “No. 56” and “No. 57”, gradually clarifying the supervision of cross-border e-commerce, and only paying postal tax on goods purchased through cross-border e-commerce channels. It eliminates tariffs, value-added taxes, and consumption taxes in ordinary import trade.

Ding Lei wants to seize the dividend of the policy. He pulls Zhang Lei to discuss, and the two quickly make a decision. “From decision-making to investigation, the whole process is one week.” With an e-commerce stormtrooper, Zhang Lei ran out of the bonded warehouse in a week, and the product began a beta test three months later.

At that time, “Financial Economics” reporter challenged Ding Lei: “Where is Netease’s advantage? Netease is not a company with e-commerce experience”, Ding Lei asked: “Do you think there is e-commerce experience?” The reporter answered “Ali, Jingdong”, Ding Lei counterattack, they (Ali and Jingdong) have “electric” genes, not necessarily “business” genes, the core of e-commerce is “business” is not “electricity.” The “business” gene is very important to help users find the right product is the “business” gene.

Ding Lei believes that Netease is a “artisan spirit” in the fierce industry of e-commerce. He explained: “Our products have a commonality, whether it is a news client, a dictionary, music, reading, we are all improving. These are information service products. And koala sea purchase is an e-commerce product, also requires Keep improving.”

The koala has indeed continued the consistent style of Netease products, and the main self-operated model, “overseas supply chain, platform sales, self-built warehousing unified distribution are in the hands of koalas themselves,” Zhang Lei said.

On the layout of the online, Koala is radical. This year, Koala plans to open 15 offline stores, and has already settled in 8 cities including Hangzhou, Shanghai, Chengdu and Zhengzhou. After the opening of the first store in Hangzhou, the “Global Factory Store” of Koala will continue to be laid out in major cities.

This style of play makes koala the top name for cross-border e-commerce in China.

A media consultation report on China’s cross-border e-commerce market research report for the first half of 2019 shows that Netease koala ranks first in the domestic cross-border import market with a market share of 27.7%, and has maintained a market share for the fourth consecutive year. the first. Tmall International, Haicang Global, and Vipshop will be followed by 25.1%, 13.3%, and 9.9%, respectively. During the 618 period, Koala also became the most popular Haitao platform for users, and the reputation index of Internet word-of-mouth also occupied the first place.

The koala that burned money dragged Netease's hind legs: Is $2 billion sold to Ali the right choice?