Success or failure is a collision between ideals and reality.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “A little finance” (ID: yidiancaijing)< /a>,Author / Bo Dongmei,Editor / Liu Wei.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Roman Roland and his “John Christopher” became almost a must for literary youth.
  In this era when “Wen Qing” has not been derogatory, two young people may have read it without hesitation.

Li Guoqing, born in the 1960s, and Luo Yonghao, born in the 1970s, have not
  Two people who have been named in their respective businesses have found a fate-like intersection here.

There are too many differences between the two people. One of the well-educated Beijings has entered the highest school along the way. After graduation, the official career is frank, and it has become famous early after the business;
  A town in the backwardness of the Northeast, receiving education that was despised by oneself, dropped out of high school, and then stood up in the society to find its own foothold in Beijing.

At the same time, there are too many similarities between the two.
  For example, John Christopher’s pursuit of the mainstream society to the rebellion, the two have successively entered the so-called mainstream society, but eventually rebelled from this mainstream. When

Li Guoqing, Luo Yonghao life experience comparison chart (click to enlarge)

In the end, similar thoughts and similar surges, so that after the commercial float, they still show their own background, laughter and roar are all casual, others are drunk, I am alone, In the end, they played the role of “big mouth” and “cannon” between the media and the public.

It’s not so much the truth about Weibo, it’s better to say that they finally got themselves.


  After the Spring Festival, the cold Beijing ushered in a young man who was screaming. The previous year, he accepted a one-month accommodation class in New Oriental in a desolate place in Beijing. He completed the exam preparation and preparation in a farmer’s relocation building in the suburbs. Later, he wrote a four-word cover letter to Yu Minhong and tried two in New Oriental. Times. The trial after the Spring Festival is his last chance.

This time, of course he succeeded. In Beijing, he found his own life. Since then, in the five years of New Oriental, he has been a first-class lecturer, and later became a network red and entrepreneurial. He is Luo Yonghao. When

This job can be said to have changed his life. Before that, he had been “atypical life”. In elementary school and junior high school, there were various conflicts with teachers and schools. After high school dropped out of school, they did not go out to work, but instead studied at home. When others went to college and graduated, they were doing odd jobs and less decent jobs.

On the other hand, the book he read when he was called a parent in his school days was “The History of the Death of the Roman Empire.” His poor performance, he published several works in local publications, with a little literati capital.

In 2000 and 2001, he was born in 1972 and was born in Longmen Commune, Helong County, Jilin Province. He was near. In the face of filial piety, marriage and other real problems, he has been rebellious and has to go to reality and find his own way of making a living.

Of course, he does not seem to compromise completely with reality. In the later personal autobiography, in addition to the temptation to “million-year salary”, he also emphasized the attraction of the New Oriental “halo of idealism” to himself.

As Jiang Wen’s declaration of “standing and earning money”, walking between business and idealism has almost become all the annotations of his later career. In that era, Beijing was the time when business and ideals were combined.

This year, the “2001 Beijing Internet Development Forum” was held. At the meeting, Sohu Zhao Chaoyang, Lenovo Yang Yuanqing and other “big brothers” spoke, and the speech was filled with the atmosphere and mission of the times. At that time, there was a future business giant that was hatching, and at the beginning of the business, everyone was full of simple ideals.Today. The 80s also became
  In his favorite era, “having passion” and “having ideals” became his adjectives of that era.

The kindergarten was described by the teacher as “very complicated thinking” Luo Yonghao, in that era and education, and social confrontation, and finally under the pressure of family and society began to embark on the path of the average person will walk, but He is preaching idealism every year and is obviously also a “not mature” person.

At the same time, it is also an era of rapid economic development, the environment of reform and opening up, and the landing of the world’s third technological revolution in China, which has given endless imagination and opportunities. Li Guoqing caught up with the first wave of the Internet, Luo Yonghao caught up with the first wave of the transfer of the Internet public opinion center, and the rise of China’s mobile Internet era.

This is the key to their business and the beginning of their transformation. As Li Guoqing said, “There is no war era, let the mall meet its heroic dreams”.

In the edification of business and society, they have to “grow” quickly. At a certain live broadcast, Luo Yonghao once admitted that his personal branding had provided tremendous help to the early development of the hammer at the beginning, and brought some confusion and even disaster in the medium term because he “has not made a psychological transformation. (No) Be mentally prepared for an entrepreneur.” As more and more “compromise” and more and more “mature”, he believes that those puzzles have been solved one after another.

But reality is obviously not a simple linear development, but there are limits and round trips. Their growth, along with the “mature”, as well as “pain” and even “down”.

This year, a few years ago, Li Guoqing, who was marginalized in Dangdang, finally announced his departure from Dangdang. On the occasion of his departure, he and Dangdang and Yu Yu staged a love and hate, and then joined the hot blockchain and ideals. The color reading project; Luo Yonghao, who has devoted himself to the hammer, has to face the ridicule of the outside world after rumors and storms such as financing and layoffs. Instead of doing cell phone, it is better to talk about comic dialogue.

“One entrepreneur is very horizontal, but for the market to compromise, this is what everyone is willing to see.” Lao Luo, who has played the paradox, clearly points out the public.

The current success or failure is a collision between ideals and reality. As early as the beginning, when they communicated their passions and dreams, they simultaneously contained the power of destruction.