Come! Learn what “all-round leadership”

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ Redwoods” (ID: Sequoiacap), author Hong Shan.

In the past ten years, the era of corporate management has ushered in a huge transformation. Saying goodbye to command-control-disciplinary bureaucracy management, new flat organization and management methods are increasingly It is adopted by companies and is also popular with young people – it is rooted in truth, trust and open communication, and everyone wants to find meaningful, stimulating work experiences.

Especially after the 95s, they are becoming a new force in the workplace. They don’t want to be managed, they want to be led – for example, by charismatic leaders or inspired by a sense of mission. This means that being a good boss in their eyes requires a good application of a new leadership development model rather than a conservative approach.

Come! Find out what is “Whole Person Leadership” and what you need to do for it.

  How to be a leader after 95?

Leadership expert Rosslind Torres
  (Roselinde Torres) said in a TED speech: “Most leadership development programs are based on successful models of the past world, not the present or future world.” Traditional leadership development models may actually hinder Growth because its view of individual leadership is limited and unitary. She explained that this ability-based approach is imperfect and insufficient to meet the leadership requirements of this fast-changing, competitive world in the 21st century.

Unfortunately, most traditional leadership development methods ignore the key skills and behaviors that managers need to learn continuously, and these skills and behaviors enable them to remain flexible in the face of rapid change. Stay focused, make yourself stronger, and be better able to communicate with people.

Of course,
No single leadership style for everyone. Every employee brings a wealth of experience, values ​​and ways of doing things. Today’s managers must adapt to changing circumstances. They must promote cooperation and tolerance, accept different opinions, and solve complex problems instead of forcing others to think like themselves. Most importantly, they must motivate the team by creating an inspiring and attractive vision for the future.

The Almighty Leadership Model covers the psychological resources and behaviors that can help leaders succeed, including flexibility, team building, and mentoring. If you put your personal strengths, values, and abilities into specific management situations, you will gain a true leadership style that will not only deliver the best level, but also achieve good results.

The following are four steps that can help a good manager find his or her own unique management style and plan to put it into practice.

1. Encourage self-reflection

Excellent leaders understand others, but the most important thing is that they understand themselves, they know what their values ​​are and dare to express.

In order to develop your own leadership style, you need to carry out profound and courageous self-reflection with the help of the coach. This EQ training helps leaders to shape and control their reactions to events and act more effectively in the process.

Help growing leaders understand their strengths and personal values ​​with the following questions:

▨ What do you think makes the most meaningful part of your work?

▨ When did you feel most inspired?

▨ Under what circumstances can you maximize your personal abilities?

▨ How do you act according to your own values?

▨ What can help you cope with setbacks?

Think about the leaders you respect or desire to be.
What do you admire for them? and think about what they can do to imitate or “try”.

These questions will help you discover your unique qualities and combine them to increase impact, management efficiency and job performance.

2. Importance of feedback

Although self-reflection is important, self-reflection is not enough. Good leaders will be proactive in gaining external perspectives and feedback.

Therefore, managers should be encouraged to engage in open dialogue with younger employees after the 95s. The goal of this conversation is to understand the priorities of each team member.
  (What are they doing? What are their goals?), motivation
  (They “why” do?), the way they like to communicate
  (frequency, form, etc.).
Good managers are always good at using people’s strengths, and these conversations show how they are willing to encourage young people’s innovation – whether it’s providing resources, providing guidance, or providing other Substantive support.

Effective leadership is the adaptation and response to the environment, so business practices must be considered. For example, a startup may need a leader who is adept at risk and can quickly turn, and a mature company may be looking for leaders who can motivate and reinvigorate the team. Therefore, there is no uniform template for leadership excellence, and the actual situation of the organizational environment needs to be considered so that your leadership behavior can meet the most pressing needs.

3. Write a personal User Manual

Being able to describe an attractive vision is critical to forward-thinking leadership. Managers can carefully observe what you are saying for the team members after the 95s.

In combination with self-reflection and feedback from team feedback, each manager can create their own “user manual”, record their management experience and experience, and form a “user” who summarizes and reads by himself. The manual, and deliver the vision to the employees. This approach is becoming more popular among many CEOs because it’s a neat way to clearly articulate and communicate your unique leadership style, and to continuously collect “other user feedback” in the process.

A CEO commented on her handbook: “I firmly believe that leadership is a practice, not a concept. My user manual is one of the ways I practice leadership. This is alive. The document describes the strengths and evolving advantages that I have, and shows the world that I know that I am – and always — an unfinished work of art.”

The transparent way of working not only creates a sense of psychological security, but also shortens the learning curve and enables you and your teammates to collaborate more effectively. Being candid can help everyone release their personality at work and create an inclusive environment that can thrive.

4. Focus on advantage

Most great leaders are not good at everything, so they need to work with them to determine the skills and abilities that are most relevant to their work. As long as the weakness does not hinder the work or damage morale, the leader should focus on how to magnify the advantage.

In any case, leaders are people, so accept the fact that they make mistakes. When this happens, emphasize that they can learn from it and reflect on it to determine the action steps to address future challenges.

Self-reflection is at the heart of creating leadership styles, not only effective, but also helping growing managers realize their potential. The existing model is a start, but it is more important to encourage managers to constantly seek feedback, establish a positive cycle and strive for excellence.

Remember: There are very few outstanding leaders who are born to learn these abilities in their careers.