Focus on the focus, from family to self; social relationship, the fourth social circle is forming

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public number “AgeClub” (ID: AgeClub), author Chen Yu / Yin Yi. The original title “In-depth research on new seniors: 50+ new urban consumers in the first-tier cities] >> information, channels, links and scenarios

In the past six months, the AgeClub New Senior Business Research Institute has continued to track the trend of consumer demand changes in the first- and second-tier cities. [span>This article is the third article of our new senior in-depth research series. We have found that the consumption patterns of new seniors in first-tier cities are changing rapidly:

  • Focus on focus, from family to self; social relationship, the fourth social circle is forming;

  • Information retrieval, from passive acceptance to active seeking; media channels, from TV to smartphones;

  • On the way of linking, from phone to WeChat; from life to scene, from three to three;

Investigate the background of new seniors growth

The Chinese retirement consumer market is dominated by women, free from the constraints of work, and their children have become married. The state of life after retirement has changed a lot;

From the family-centered to the self-centered transition, into a new starting point in life, there is a lot of free time to consider developing their own hobbies, and with the backing of funds, the spirit of Yue has gradually become prominent.

Behind this psychological and lifestyle change, there is a huge potential for consumption among middle-aged and older women. The results of AgeClub’s research also fully prove this point.

60 After the new old age admission, what are the new trends for the new seniors in the first-tier cities to buy and buy?

94% of the first-line elderly people who participated in this survey were women, mostly young people with low age (between 50 and 65), 100% of high school and above, and the largest number of specialists and undergraduates. They belonged to Kochi. They have stable cash flow income, strong fixed assets, and involve various investment fields, including wealth management, insurance, stocks, funds…

60 (50-60 years old) is an important crowd node. The old Chinese born before 30 and 40 are mostly in an era of lack of materials, forming a difficult and simple living habit, belonging to the traditional elderly;

And after 50, 60, and 70, they all experienced the reform and opening-up dividends. In their later years, they were rich in assets and connected to the mobile Internet track. The psychological state belongs to the old age.

60 After the old age enters aging, it is the starting point for the development of the elderly consumer market

In China, most of the middle-aged and elderly people represented by the 30s and 40s are born or raised in an era of social turmoil and lack of supplies. They have long cultivated simple and simple concepts and living habits. From the consumption type, we put them Understand as a traditional old man.

60 After the new old age admission, what are the new trends for the new seniors in the first-tier cities to buy and buy?

Starting from the 50/60, including the 70s and 80s, the crowds are the “mainstay” of the new China economy. They enjoy the dividends of reform, opening up, and rapid economic development, and reserve rich assets for quality life in their later years. At the same time, the mobile Internet also allows their lives to seamlessly link with the Internet age;

Therefore, after the 60s, the current 50+ people are the generations who have entered the next generation. They show the characteristics of the old age in both the lifestyle and the psychological state.

From 1962 to 1980, China’s real baby boomers had a population of 420 million. The gradual entry of these people into aging will lead to a major outbreak in the Chinese middle-aged consumer market.

New Senior Self-Awareness Awakening

From family-centered to self-centered, more independent, more self

Retirement to men is to return to the workplace and return to life. For women, it is a burden to unload yourself!

60 After the new old age admission, what new trends are there in the first-tier cities?

Retirement is an important turning point in the state of life. In particular, women are basically out of the bondage of work. From the family-centered to self-centered mindset, there is plenty of time to consider developing their own hobbies and relatives. Ample economic foundationLet them pursue their self without worries.

In the process of researching new seniors in first-tier cities, we found that the new elderly have become more and more independent, and many new information has begun to actively search.

With the rapid development of mobile internet, they are more and more aware of the tools that can meet their different needs, and take the initiative to make decisions, buy their own products, and sometimes word-of-mouth products recommended by friends will quickly spread in the circle.

||Consumer demand driven by new seniors’ hobbies: Entertainment is the most efficient way to access traffic, and advanced education and professional skills education are closer to more segmented demand areas

The process of releasing self-interests and hobbies among middle-aged and elderly people is not uniform, but progressive. We divide it into four progressive stages: square dance, basic education for senior universities, advanced education, and professional skills education. .

  • The first stage of square dance is a popular entertainment event. There is no entry barrier. It can be seen everywhere. With the popularity of square dance, it has gradually become organized;

  • Second stage senior university basic education, like interest classes such as singing, does not require a personal foundation, is entirely an interest-based course, and will form a relatively small circle of interest among middle-aged and elderly people;

  • The third stage is based on basic education, with skilled hobbies such as dance, models, paintings, etc. It is not so easy to learn;

  • The fourth stage belongs to the professional level of skill hobbies, not just the basic skills.

60 After the new old age admission, what new trends are there in the first-tier cities?

In this four-stage entertainment demand, advanced education and professional skills education are more closely related to consumer demand due to their close proximity to more segmented demand areas.

After a long period of communication with senior industry players in various industries, it is found that the square dance is difficult because the square dance only meets the first-tier needs of middle-aged and elderly people.

When they realize that they need to learn something, or need to socialize, and have a certain self-awareness, they will reach the second level of demand, then they will go to a senior university or similar educational institution to seek some social Changes in demand or self-improvement needs also create a relatively niche circle.

At this stage, it can be divided into basic education, such as singing, and high.Level education (more difficult to learn than basic education), such as dance.

When they have certain social display skills, they will reach a higher level of demand – to showcase their professionalism, they will participate in various levels of dance teams or choirs. New seniors have a certain willingness to pay for this level of demand.

After 60 new old-age admissions, what are the new trends for new seniors in the first-tier cities to buy and buy?

Some courses of senior universities are also divided into primary, intermediate and advanced classes according to the relative level of senior students. They are not treated uniformly. Many students will learn from primary classes and advanced classes to advanced classes. The way in which the remedial classes classify the courses also extends the consumption chain of the interest courses for senior university students.

From our research results, we also found that middle-aged and elderly people’s hobbies and high-concentration areas are more easy to learn like singing, while moderately dense areas are more interested in calligraphy, painting, modeling, etc. Yoga and English are more difficult for middle-aged and older people to learn than the first two, so they belong to the advanced education stage.

Formation of the fourth circle

WeChat still plays a core social function, and the diversified social needs of the new generation have driven the growth of consumer demand such as beauty and fashion shoes and apparel

WeChat is the most important contact method for singing, tourism, dance and other cultural activities that the elderly are most involved in.

WeChat is the most important contact method for singing, tourism, dance and other cultural activities that the elderly are most involved in. The interviewees all communicated daily through WeChat, and contacted family and friends.

60 After the new old age admission, what new trends are there in the first-tier cities?

The number of WeChat friends is mostly between 100-300, and the proportion of respondents with more than 300 friends is not low. The number of WeChat groups is between 10-50, and even 6% of respondents said there are more than 100 WeChat groups.

In addition to chat, they will also pay attention to many WeChat public accounts, as well as corresponding small programs, which means that they need to spend a lot of time each day to manage the WeChat platform.

But many middle-aged and older peopleMany functions of WeChat public number and small program are indistinguishable, and most of the content of interest is passively received;

Our findings also found that almost all of the online consumer behaviors of middle-aged and older people occur in APP, and there is very little consumption in the public number and small programs, in large part because their operation on the two is still vague. Form an active search habit.

The most important three circle of friends before retirement is based on family, classmates and colleagues, while the fourth circle of friends is a social circle that has been opened up by hobbies and is the most frequent circle of interaction after retirement.

60 After the new old age admission, what are the new trends for the new seniors in the first-tier cities to buy and buy?

The social and entertainment needs of the fourth social circle are very rigid, and this demand is not only reflected in the first-tier cities, but also sinking markets. Although this kind of demand is related to the city, there will be certain cultural differences, but it is actually the basic needs of the individual, but the form of presentation is different.

The fourth social circle will also bring a consumer demand chain based on social entertainment needs. Because I often participate in social life, I need beautiful clothes. Because of this kind of life, I also need makeup. Even people who have requirements for body shape will learn to walk the model steps and make them have a better form.

92% of the elders interviewed will wear makeup before going out, but these old people don’t understand the domestic makeup brand at all, and basically use imported brands, so the Chinese middle-aged makeup brand needs to make some efforts to make consumers form brand awareness. .

Information access channels are transformed from TV to smartphones

50+ New seniors smartphone penetration rate is 100%, covering almost all aspects of daily life, including e-commerce, travel, entertainment, travel, social

The elders of 50-60 years old used TV as the main way to get information. Nowadays, TV + smart phones are the main way, because they have certain viewing habits for TV. The influence of television on the elderly is point-like and generally opens habitually.

They use TV mainly to watch news and variety shows, and TV is the entrance to content. Therefore, in the future middle-aged and old-age market, TV also has opportunities for development.

In addition to the TV channel, our research results also found that 50+ new people use smartphones to contact the network earlier, and the launch period of smartphones is close. 62% of the respondents used smartphones for more than 9 years, and 96% of respondents were 10 to 20 years old.

60 After the new old age admission, what new trends are there in the first-tier cities?

About digital product consumption research also found that the frequency of purchase of smart phones is the first, while other products that link to daily needs, such as ipad / pc / notebooks, are also purchased more frequently. Therefore, the channels for information reception among middle-aged and older people have gradually transitioned from television to smartphones.

Smartport/ipad and other mobile Internet terminal products have changed the lives of middle-aged and elderly people. They use mobile phones to solve daily life needs, including online learning, online shopping, travel, entertainment and all WeChat behaviors.

After researching 50+ mobile apps that are often used by new people, they found that most of the APP types they use are no different from those of young people. For example, online shopping will use mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Taobao/Tmall, Jingdong, and Pinduo. Most of the trips use Gaode/Baidu/Tencent maps, Didi taxis, and group buying platforms such as Meituan and Volkswagen.

And they will be able to collect all kinds of information through mobile devices, so they also generate consumer/entertainment behaviors that constitute their diverse social life.

The penetration rate of online shopping terminal electronic products in the new elderly is more than 80%, so the smart phone is a window for middle-aged and elderly people, and can get all the information of newspapers, TV and other channels.

After 60 new old-age admissions, what are the new trends for new seniors in the first-tier cities to buy and buy?

50+ new frontline old people are no strangers to online shopping. Their shopping channels have gradually shifted from traditional TV phone shopping to online shopping on major e-commerce platforms, showing consumption upgrade behavior, from the simple price increase to the attention. Cost-effectiveness, brand, quality, word of mouth, and consumer attitudes are gradually maturing.

The survey results show that the proportion of online shopping for middle-aged and elderly people is as high as 92%, of which 72% of online shopping behavior occurs in smart phones. Most of them will choose mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Jingdong and Taobao, and will actively search for the required goods. Information, actively release self, and actively invest in consumption.

For these new seniors, they are very clear about their choice of a product. The most important thing to buy is the quality, and then it’s good., word of mouth and price, they are not absolute impulsive.

And they are not absolute low prices. The product must have the effect of solving its own problems, and the marketing method of the merchant is as simple as possible, especially the purchase channel and path need to be as simple as possible.

The middle-aged and the elderly generally obtain information from the WeChat group, the circle of friends or the search engine. The information acquisition channel is still relatively small, and the cognitive ability of the brand needs to be improved. Therefore, the sub-categories of various consumption of middle-aged and old people have opportunities. Go to your own brand.

Apps designed for middle-aged and elderly people should use the path as simple as possible. Their learning and use process for APP is much longer than that of young people, so their dependence on the platform will be very high, as long as they are used to it. Will continue to use it.

Health is still the focus of attention

Seeking health from the earliest health supplements, upgrading to lifestyles, lifestyles, and diets to improve health

The new elderly’s need for life and health is not only satisfied with extended life, but also starting from eating only health care products to changing lifestyles to meet health needs, this is an important transition point.

60 After the new old age admission, what new trends are there in the first-tier cities?

As their age grows, their physical strength will gradually decline. The mental health of middle-aged and elderly people has always existed. Early consumption of health care products has always been the main way for them to maintain their health.

But according to our latest research results, although health is still the focus of attention, their form of pursuing health has changed;

In addition to daily health-related information, on food, slowly shift from eating health care products to eating health foods including honey, medlar, and red dates. Some younger middle-aged (50-60 years old) respondents Health care products are more resistant, they pursue higher quality of life, and improve their health through fitness exercises and senior universities.

83% of the middle-aged and older people will eat healthy products. They are now basically inclined to make up for medicine, and most middle-aged and older people are more rational in the process of choosing health care products. Although they have the habit of insisting on exercise or fitness to change their physical condition, they are less willing to consume fitness.

offline consumption patterns

50+ The new old man’s pursuit of beauty is no less than that of young people. Cosmetics, shoes, hats, bags and jewellery are all involved. They are strict quality control and value control./p>

The sebum secretion of women generally declines sharply when they enter the age of 50. Therefore, middle-aged women over 50 years old need cosmetics to improve the skin to achieve a cosmetic effect. For them, cosmetics play the role of “snow in the snow”.

50+ women, most of their children are independent, economic conditions are relatively good, and they are in the “second youth stage”, so they pay more attention to skin care and prevent aging from accelerating.

60 After the new old age admission, what new trends are there in the first-tier cities?

Similarly diversified social scenes have also spawned the quality needs of external image changes, high-frequency use of cosmetics, purchase of shoes, hats and accessories, and other related consumer products, especially cosmetics, some people based on the brand, actively released Consumer demand, the pursuit of quality of life, from price-sensitive people gradually to quality-sensitive people.

Although the middle-aged and elderly people have strong demand for beauty, their understanding of cosmetics has not yet been deepened. They can only distinguish basic functional products. For how to distinguish the quality of products, there is no qualitative understanding. Comfortable for emotional judgment.

There is a need for functional products in their skin condition. Therefore, for those who are less aware of cosmetics, they naturally rely on brand awareness to distinguish the quality of products.

Analysis of their brand preferences and cosmetics purchase channels, it is not difficult to find that they rely on foreign brands, such as Lancome, Estee Lauder, Hailan mystery, Shiseido and other internationally renowned cosmetics brands appear in their cosmetics brand use list;

The purchase channel also relies on foreign duty-free shops and domestic counters. Their purchasing power in cosmetics is the best evidence of the new first-line consumption upgrade.

Although the knowledge of cosmetics is weak, it still can’t stop their pursuit of beauty. 92% of the respondents use cosmetics every day. When they go out, makeup has become their normal life, and they always keep their faces and keep their best. The state of mind, while at the same time exerting the spirit of self-learning, will self-learn or learn about cosmetics in class, and everything is reserved for a better state.

[Summary of Research]

As the penetration of the Internet in the middle-aged and elderly populations gradually increases, the Internet behavior of middle-aged and elderly people is becoming more and more abundant. Therefore, based on their consumer psychology and consumer behavior, the main factors affecting the consumption behavior of middle-aged and elderly people are:

  • An important network consumer group is also a group with huge consumption potential.

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