Problem description: It has been a week since I completed the abortion operation, but black secretions have always appeared. I suspect that it is abnormal and not clean. Is it normal to have black secretions a week after the abortion? ?
Date of the problem:2020-12-03
Patient information:Age: 25 Gender: Female
Black secretion a week after the abortion The thing is normal.
Abortion surgery means that the endometrium has been traumatized, and the endometrium has open blood vessels. After the operation, the uterine contraction and blood vessel closure will gradually decrease as the endometrium slowly repairs. Under normal circumstances, there will be a small amount of bleeding within ten days after the operation, because the amount of bleeding is small and it becomes a brown secretion when mixed with cervical mucus and vaginal secretions. Therefore, if there is a brown discharge within ten days after the abortion, it is normal as long as it does not exceed ten days. If more than half a month after the abortion, there are still black discharge or secretion odor, abdominal pain or even fever, it is a manifestation of inflammation and should be checked in time.
You can’t take a bath within half a month after abortion, and you can’t have sex within one month, and you should pay attention to contraception when you have sex after one month. Just keep the vulva clean and avoid strenuous exercise.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination