Product and operation, and ultimately the same goal

Regardless of whether you are doing products or operations, congratulations, do the Internet.

In fact, whether it is a product or an operation, these two positions are included in a larger scope, that is, these two positions are in the company of the Internet business model. Have you ever thought about a question, why are people who are developing in the Internet model company more likely to get more benefits?

The reason is: Internet business model companies, development is “non-linear.”

I often give an example in the course. Amazon and Xinhua Bookstore, in the industry, are selling books, but why is Amazon’s market value more than Xinhua Bookstore? Because the business model is different. Amazon is an Internet business model, and Xinhua Bookstore is a traditional business model. An offline store selling books may be able to hold 200,000 books, but Amazon can put 200 million books. No matter what the time is, users can buy the books they want. This is not only the competition of the bookstore, but also the competition of the model.

So first of all, whether you are a product manager or an operator. If you are already in the Internet business model, the company’s development curve may be non-linear. If you are lucky, the industry and company you are growing very fast, then for you, whether it is learning knowledge or salary It is also a non-linear growth. Of course, the premise is that you are willing to grow and pay, you don’t fall behind. So, from this perspective, if you enter a fast-growing Internet company, there are plenty of opportunities to do both product and operation.

01 What is the future development of the product?

The position of product manager, how to say it, when it comes to “making a product”, there is a feeling that there is a chance to change the world. There is a feeling that he is behind the trader. There is a sense of God, there is a rule maker. The feeling of the creator. So everyone will be interested in making product fans. Don’t think that I am talking about being a product manager. A well-made product manager is very bullish. I am just standing on the perspective of many years of practitioners, objectively helping you analyze what capabilities a product manager needs and what opportunities he needs to make a future development of the product.

About product managers, there are a few key points:

“Selecting the target group”, “Comprehensive ability”, “Getting a good team”, “Let evolution is relatively long”

  • “Select the target group”, the selection of the crowd is actually in the industry, the industry is in the election “track”, the game Road width means more target users, such asWhat kind of track did Xiaomi do at the beginning? Mobile phones, the number of mobile phone shipments in the world, can be roughly estimated. Everyone needs a mobile phone, and many people change their mobile phones, and there are many users. Relatively more opportunities to reach more users, this is an opportunity. Of course, not everyone can succeed in making a mobile phone. However, the track is wide and the target population is large. Your products are relatively more marketable and have more opportunities.

  • “Comprehensive ability”, comprehensive ability is strong, the product manager is actually the company’s small CEO, you have to understand the user to make the user’s favorite products, is it worth? Have operational capabilities; You have to have logical thinking, data thinking, you can analyze the user’s behavior path, you can interpret the reasons behind the user’s different behaviors, you can clearly describe the problem, write the product requirements document; Span>You have to understand the working methods of development. When doing functional prioritization, what do you do first, what to do, what development costs, you don’t know how to communicate with development; You have to have market thinking, you want users to share your products, do you want to set some details of sharing, drainage, and conversion in the product, you have to have market thinking;You have to be a bit fine Basically, although the product manager is not equal to the artist, you have to review the picture made by the artist. If you can’t give the artist an example, there is no guidance, then the product is realized; these capabilities are all placed on one person, it is not easy.

  • “Get a good team”, catch up with a good team, both to catch up with a good boss, and to catch up with many good colleagues . Good boss has strong personal ability, can climb high and look forward to the product positioning, so that you as a product manager, you have a clear direction, you have the opportunity to do a good job, a good colleague means that the market colleagues have strong ability to help the product attract To the target user; the ability of the operating colleagues is strong, like the lubricant, the user uses the product in the process of using the cool, the problem is handled in a timely manner, for the user to continue the product, to the user’s praise; the other functional departments have strong capabilities, HR can attract people to contribute to the development of products, the administration can make the company well organized, the legal system can escort the company… and so on. So you see, as a product manager, you are developing well. It’s really not that you have the final say, you have to catch up with a good team. However, you know that the company and the team are a continuous development, not fixed. You have to follow the company for a while to see the development of the show. Do a product for nine life to understand, catch up with a good team, and related to their own ability, but also related to luck.

  • “The evolutionary frequency is relatively long”, this is actually ato sum up. “The relatively long evolutionary frequency” means that becoming a good product manager is relatively harder. You just graduated to make a product. Most of the time, just to find a job, let’s get things done first, but the products you hired, the target users are small people, and the development ceiling is low. At this time, you have been working for two years. The result was resigned. Going to another company, not necessarily catching up with a good team, and your ability to keep up with the good team, product verification and development requires a process, and a few years have passed. You are a good product manager, but the boss and brother team don’t give you strength, you will feel bad. Waiting for these factors will limit your chances of being a product person and getting ahead. Therefore, the evolutionary frequency of product managers is relatively long.

02 What is the future development of operations?

There is a saying, “Operation is a basket, everything can be loaded.” Many people think that operations are mixed. I believe that the operation has not developed.

This is not the case.

First of all, it should be said that no matter what position, people who do not continue to think and progress will not develop.

It must be said that the entry threshold for operations is relatively low in Internet jobs, and because of this, the entry salary for operating Internet companies is relatively low.

The advantage of doing business is that, in fact, the operation of two words is a general term for a number of subdivision work perspectives. The specific work breakdown of operations will include: content operations, community operations, new media operations, product operations, business operations, community operations, and more. And between these subdivisions, there will be some intersections in the work content.

The main objectives of the operation are: pulling new (attracting new users to pay attention to your products), promoting (promoting users to be active, using products), retaining (stable quality service delivery, allowing users to use products for a long time), sharing (Promoting users to share your product)

Because the scope of work is relatively wide, it means that you can learn a lot.

Moreover, the operation of this job is a non-screw position, and the operation of the operation is to achieve the goal and solve the problem. For example, the goal can be: how to increase the traffic of the website by 5 times, how to increase the monthly activity (MAU) of the user by 40%. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to operate as a problem solver.

The development of operations is like a process in which a small soldier grows into a general. When you are a soldier, the work you are responsible for is very specific and limited. When you can take a bigger KPI and be responsible for more things, you become a company commander, head, and division commander. The more you come.

About Internet operations, there are several key points:

“The ability to solve problems”, “User thinking”, “Communication, organizational skills”, “Relative evolution is relatively short”

  • The “ability to solve problems” operation requires the completion of various operational indicators, which may be new, may be active, or may be retained. Different industries, different specific companies, and specific product positioning are different, and operators need to have the ability to solve problems. The basic way of doing things is: you have to have goals, you understand the needs of users, you have to do related content, activities, mechanisms according to user needs, you need lean actions, you need to recycle data feedback, learn your own Work is the benefit is greater or less than the cost, and then continuously optimize the iteration, complete the goal and set a new goal.

  • “User thinking” User thinking is the basis for doing a good job. If you don’t understand the user, you will become a “self-defeating”. You write an article, you can’t write the user’s heart, and the user does not forward it. You do activities, not the target users’ demands, everyone does not participate; you do not provide the value of the user, the community is cool; standing from the user’s perspective to do the work is the basis for doing a good job.

  • The “Communication, Organizational Competence” operation requires frequent communication with users. If you don’t communicate, you know what the user wants, do community communication with the user, and ask the user for feedback. Do activities and interact with users. Operations are a very frequent contact with people. Regarding organizational capabilities, it is divided into two parts, one is to organize users and the other is to organize resources. Regarding organizing users, you have to make rules for the community. You have to be active. You have to call for activities. These are organizational skills. Regarding the organization of resources, as an operator, if you want to accomplish a bigger goal, you have to mobilize resources. Can the programmer brothers help you develop a function? Can other colleagues provide you with content, and you can mobilize more resources. You can solve bigger problems, complete larger indicators, and you will gradually become a general from a small soldier.

  • “The evolutionary frequency is relatively short.” We talked about the evolutionary frequency of product managers. The problem of promoting one’s development will be met by the operators. You have to meet a good team, you have to be in a wide track industry, you have a comprehensive ability. Why is the evolutionary frequency of operators relatively short? Two reasons. First, you can find alternatives. Second, your job performance is relatively more likely to be visible in the short term. About finding alternatives, for example, you need a product community function, the product manager does not help you plan, development does not help you achieve, but you can pull a group to solve it. This will speed up your verification of your work. Relatively more opportunities for job performance are visible in the short term. For example, I wrote an article about Niu Fork, 100,000+, which brings 10,000 UVs per day. It is simple and rude and effective, and performance is short-term. I made a community with a two-week operating cycle. Since I tried a new operating method, the community conversion rate increased by 200%, which is effective in the short term. So, for operations, the personal iteration speed of ta can be relatively faster.

03 Products and operations are the same.

The operation of Niu Fork and the product manager of Niu Fork will become increasingly blurred.

If you want to make a good product, don’t you need to get feedback from the operation or participate in the operation yourself? Of course you need it.

Similarly, if you want to do a good job, don’t you need to mention product requirements, of course.

A product has been praised by users. The operation informs the product of the feedback of the user, and the product function is also kept up, which realizes the user’s demand and promotes the user to use the product more frequently. Is this the credit of the product or the credit of the operation? Of course, the credit of both parties, product and operation are mutually successful. Therefore, products and operations, it is really you who have me, I have you, and ultimately the same thing.

From a product perspective, if you want to make a good product, you need to understand every step and every detail of the process from contact with your product to continuous use of your product. If you want to do a good job, you can’t do it without knowing how to operate. Of course, in addition to understanding the operation, we must understand the market.

From an operational point of view, if you want to do a good job, you must treat your responsible operations as a product. You are a community, how do you say hello when users enter the group, how to promote contact between users, what activities to design, what content to provide, how to set up these mechanisms and content, not to be a product, no product thinking, Do not operate well.

So, the product and operation are ultimately the same.

04 Summary

Whether the topic at the beginning should be operated or made?

  • From a big background, keep working hard to find bigger tracks, better teams, no matter which position you do, you will develop. And you know that a good team wants a good employee, not that you want to go. Try to be personally refined.

  • If you are a little experience, I suggest you do it. Because you don’t know the user, you can’t be a qualified product person, and doing business is the closest position to the user. When you gain experience, you can choose to continue to operate or transfer products. As mentioned earlier, the growth rate of operators is relatively faster, and the on-the-job operation is relatively lower.

  • In addition to future developments, you need to choose a position based on what you are more willing to do. There is no standardized choice.

  • More words, at least the entrepreneurs around me, there are relatively many people who run out of business. Because these people are relatively more acquainted with users, they have the ability to acquire users.

The above, I hope to help you.