“Ying Xing College” is the first user-centered “learning” product launched by the whole network. After two months of internal testing and beta testing, we chose to recommend it to all users today. Its birth means not only to produce excellent reports, but also to provide users with the same excellent experience. The establishment of “Ying Xing College” aims to improve user reading efficiency and growth rate.

“Yi Xing College” is the first user-centered “learning” product launched by the whole network. After two months of internal testing and beta testing, we chose to recommend it to all users today. Its birth means not only to produce excellent reports, but also to provide users with the same excellent experience. The establishment of “Ying Xing College” aims to improve user reading efficiency and growth rate.

Every Internet user will be bombarded with various information from different platforms for 18 hours a day. The intent of technology and commerce is to improve the efficiency of the world’s operations. We have been asking ourselves a question: Is there a product that can provide the most valuable value to users in the simplest way at any time of the day? The most meaningful information, can also allow users to build an accurate knowledge system while building an infinitely extended supportive and powerful connections?

The answer is: “The Comet Academy” did it.

Student rights

One, one Newsletter per week

The editorial team and the industry-wide analysts select the most valuable news for you, refining the essential points, in-depth comments, analogy expansion, and clearing the business logic from multiple angles.

We don’t grab the vent, don’t scarce, not only for “noise reduction”, but also provide you with a “concent, system, structure” information third space.

Main content section:

  • Hot industry observation: AI artificial intelligence, technology finance, new car power, Internet medical, e-cigarette, sinking market, etc., bring you the freshest industry observations and restore the true face of the hot industry.

  • Business giant logic: bytebeat, Alibaba, Tencent, Jingdong, Xiaomi, dismantling the logic of the Internet giant’s business layout, describing the era of the business world.

  • Methods that can be played: editorial department & compilation group, weekly selection of in-depth methodological articles at home and abroad, from content management to user growth, from activity to community management, get practical dry goods skills, realize the workplace Jumping.

  • The latest venture capital trends:Accumulate the advantages of the nine-year venture capital media, select the most valuable venture capital trend report, and use the sensitive business sense to predict the future and seize the opportunities.

  • Exclusive Industry Report: Unscheduledly distribute exclusive industry reports and business data, open the screen to see the essence, and reveal the true meaning behind the data.

Second, lifelong learning community

We don’t do a formalistic community.

The Comet Academy is powered by Newsletter, supplemented by a lifelong learning community. The Lifelong Learning Community helps users build a friend’s address book to achieve more efficient demand docking, making job hunting and business cooperation easier. The existence of big coffee in various industries makes your doubts find the answer in the first time.

Main Community Services:

  • Linking quality contacts: Iridium College brings together outstanding students from well-known companies such as Ali, Tencent, Jingdong and Xiaomi. Join the Iridium Academy and build your power and support links.

  • Daily News Dismantling: The editorial team dismantled the business headlines on the day and magnified every business detail for you. In addition, you can discuss the communication with the smart brain in the community.

  • Monthly flash discussion: At least once a month, hot topics are organized, and students from different industries are organized to discuss and collide in depth, to help you get rid of narrow vision and mindset, and to examine problems from a higher perspective.

  • Industrial big coffee sharing: At least two industry-wide online cafes share classic business cases, entrepreneurial experiences, practical methodologies, workplace psychology, etc., and you can go forward with excellent people.

  • Resource cooperation and docking: Through the “Yuyou help” of the Iridium Academy, you can efficiently realize the information docking and resource integration of different needs, such as job recruitment, business development, project cooperation and so on.

  • More extra benefits: more efficient docking of internal resources and cooperation, priority to participate in various offline activities, such as opening a closed-door big business class, business open class, WISE conference.

Previous content

1, Newsletter

A weekly newsletter+ lifelong learning community,

A weekly newsletter+ lifelong learning community,

Screenshot of the first Newsletter section

2, student address book (partial)

A weekly newsletter+ lifelong learning community,

Internet Industry (partial) Student Directory

3, past big coffee sharing

A weekly newsletter+ lifelong learning community,

4, flash discussion

A weekly newsletter+ lifelong learning community,

Would you like the development of Ruixing Coffee? Flash screenshot of some screenshots

5, Community Welfare & DryGoods

A weekly newsletter+ lifelong learning community,

6. Resource docking

A weekly newsletter+ lifelong learning community,

Great coffee recommendation

Zhang Zhuo | Vice President of Media

Now, I am only willing to pay for a message.

Not a sloppy, full of delusional information, but carefully selected for me, high quality, accurate, professional, able to provide more incremental information.

It can greatly help my work, expand my horizons, and improve my decision-making efficiency.

In essence, paying for such information is equivalent to saving time spent on friends and social networks. “Yingxing College” is providing such an information product to help us remove the noise of information in our lives.

I think that Li Ka-shing and Buffett still keep reading the information that is filtered through the brainstorm chart every day. We should be more convinced that the quality of input information is directly proportional to the wealth, while the premise of thinking is to fill your mind every day. The information is of good quality.

马66 | Previous big coffee sharing guest Network red lawyer

Be the 40th day of the guest, becomes the 39th day of the user, becomes the 20th day of the loyalty,

Share your expertise with your friends by knowing that you know them. Start using it as “know you don’t know,”Commerce of Iridium College, newsletter Massive industry information, discussion and analysis by community friends, found that their true identity is “do not know that they do not know.”

What will I be in the future?

Students’ comments

刘郢成 | CEO of Juling Technology

In the Star Academy, you can reach a lot of areas that you can’t reach, and you can also hear the sharing of many other big businesses. It is very helpful for broadening your horizons. Discussions within the Iridium Academy can always spark on the basis of seeking common ground while reserving differences, and this is precisely the most meaningful discussion. The weekly Newsletter is sent in the form of an e-mail, which saves time and costs, filters out useless information, and adds just the right reviews to make it memorable.

Fang Hua | Liu Yucheng, PwC Auditor

In this era, there is too much information and too much miscellaneous information. A lot of useless information wastes too much time. Before I find a good article, I often have to watch N hydrographs. The Newsletter product is great, with the least amount of time to get the most useful information.

Summer and Your Voice | Comet College Network Red “Squad Leader”

In the past three months of Iridium College, through the exchanges with your big friends and classmates, I have a deeper understanding of the current short video industry, venture capital field and Internet industry, the latest industry data report every day. Dismissing discussions with business information is to keep yourself a learning attitude and constantly improve your knowledge. The most important weekly newsletter, through the professional business analysis of the editor and the modular look and feel, let me personally feel the original intention of “letting some see the future first”.

Ozawa | Peking University Seniors

I met Xiaomi and Netease’s small partners in the group and hooked up many like-minded friends. This has greatly contributed to my career development and business cooperation.

Sign up now

Double 11 special price: 199 yuan / year, original price: 365 yuan / year

Request for stamp: https://dwz.cn/FYKqZiw8

Note 1: The number of offers is limited. After the double 11, the original price will be restored. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s start with a strong one.

Note 2: “Ying Xing College” is a virtual knowledge service product. Once sold, no refund will be given. Please understand.

Important instructions

  • Please add the exclusive customer service of Comet Academy after the payment is successful: Comet Qiqi (WeChat: qiqi36kr);

  • After passing, please send a screenshot of the purchase to Seven Seven. After the July 7th review, a unified invitation will be added to the learning group.