This article is from WeChat public account: barbecued past (ID: chashaows) , author: less fork, title figure from: vision China

In June of this year, Kitano Takeshi divorced his wife Matsuda. Because of the derailment, Kitano Takeshi left his wife with 20 billion yen in property and left only one villa. At the age of 72, he rushed to the lover with his free body.

In an interview some time ago, Kitano said: “This year is really nothing good, my money is gone, my friends can’t contact after I have no money. After the exposure, my mistress is gone, I know it is so difficult, it is better. With his ex-wife.”


Forty years of marriage, Kitano Takeshi’s lover has not broken, and his wife has had many breakups, each time the mother Zuo Ji mediates between the two, pulling him back from the edge of divorce.

Zhao Ji training him: “Let your wife cry will suffer a day of punishment. After a marriage, I will definitely be separated and will be addicted.” But she knows that Kitano’s temper is difficult to change, and added: “If it is true If you want to play, just play it on your back.”

In 1945, the United States launched a carpet bombing of Japan and placed two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In January 1947, Kitano was born. At that time, his mother, Saji, was over forty years old, and his father, Kijiro, was over fifty years old.

In the wilderness of Kitano, the ruins of the war can be seen everywhere in the city, as well as the American soldiers on vacation. In the 1950s, the Japanese government called on the nationals to shrink and rebuild the country.

Norino Takeda is obliged to follow the national teachings and hungry to live in poverty-stricken areas. There are two older brothers and one older sister in Kitano Takeshi, and the old grandmother. Sajiki occasionally beats odd jobs. The family only has Kikujiro with a fixed income.

Kijiro is a painter with a large tattoo on his body. When he is free, he will also work for the local gang. Zuo Jizu is a nobleman, and he has seen some worlds. Her former husband was a lieutenant in the navy, surnamed Beiye, and later he was enlisted in the army and left Zuo Ji. Zuo Ji took the ex-husband’s surname to attract “Ji’an”.

Saku’s mantra is: Don’t be the same as Kikujiro. She said with Kitano Takeshi that Kikujiro was annoying and even annoying to breathe. But somehow, she still gave birth to four children to Kikujiro.

When Kitano Takeshi Elementary School, Sato always went to help the class teacher clean and cook. Kikujiro was dissatisfied and asked if she was raising a white face. Sato said: “You are an idiot who does not understand education at all.”

Kijiro ran against the surname of another man and had no place in the family. He was depressed all the time. He was addicted to alcohol and marble games and vented to Zuo Ji by drunkenness. Grandmother stood on the side of Sato, and every time she comforted her, she said, “Sorry, my son is a bastard, I killed him.”

Besides Kikujiro, the most troublesome thing for Saji is Kitano Takeshi.

Because of the belief that “education can cut off poverty,” Zuo Ji took money to buy books for children and reported summer counseling. Brother and sister are very obedient, only Kitano TakeshiI don’t appreciate it, I just want to play baseball every day.

The neighbors looked at Kitano Takeshi, and gave him a pair of baseball gloves on his birthday. The house was small and there was no place to hide. Kitano took the gloves under the ginkgo behind the house and dug it out when playing.

One day, when Kitano Takeshi dug the soil, he found that the gloves were gone, and the soil was covered with plastic bags and a pile of reference books.

Mother believes that Kitano is obsessed with baseball because he is too busy and arranges him to go to English and calligraphy classes. There is a slum area near the home, and there are few tutoring classes. Kitano Takeshi went to a place other than the three stations. He rides a bicycle back and forth, pretending to go to class, actually goes to a nearby friend’s house or park, and then goes home when he is almost at the same time.

Koshino Takeo and Brother

Saku is an unrealistic realist who does not recognize the value of literature and art at all. She hopes that Kitano will finish her university and go to work. And Kitano has always wanted to escape.

When I was in high school, many children came from wealthy families in the suburbs. Kitano Takeshi was wearing a rags and was ridiculed as a “painter’s child.” In a baseball game, Kitano Takeshi and the private high school children confronted each other. The other side was wearing a school uniform, and he went to Kitano Takeshi to lose the gas field. The ball game was very thorough. At that moment, he felt that “equality in life” is a fart.

Kitano Takeshi is getting longer and longer on the street. He sat on the street and watched street vendors swindle people’s money into pockets. When you are hungry, you can mix it with similar children, tie the wooden stick with a rope to steal the sesame oil from the temple, or steal a store’s goods and sell it to another.

The gang’s people saw that Kitano Takeshi was shaking on the street and called him: “Don’t sway, otherwise it will be like us later.”

Chrysanthemus does not care, the teacher can not manage, only the mother is still restraining him. Kitano Takeshi is impatient and angry with her: “Why are you still born to me?” Zuo Ji returned to him: “Because there is no money for abortion.

Kijiro wants to let the children learn the craftsmanship, the painter and the cementer are all good. As a result, the children are all going to college, and the worst score of Kitano Takeshi is also admitted to the Meiji University School of Engineering. Kikujiro complained all day long: the children of the workers read the university and they could not make any money.

At the first grade of Kitano Takeshi University, my sister got married and the mother hid the prepared dowry in the closet. In a few days, my mother found that the money was gone – a full 600,000 yen. Alarm, investigation, busy work, Zuo Ji discovered that the thief is his own son.

Kitano Takes the money, went out to eat and drink for a month, and spent money to go home. The whole family was mad, and the mother grabbed a knife and rushed to Kitano, screaming: “I want to kill him, then commit suicide!” Grandmother rushed to take the knife and shouted: “No! He is going to die.” In my hand!” Watching his wife and mother rush to kill their son, Kikujiro sat at the table and tasted sake, and laughed out loud.

In order to escape the control of the mother, Kitano Takeshi started working and decided to move out.

In the spring of the second year of college, he took his mother to work, drove the borrowed truck, and moved out of the baggage. Unfortunately, I met my mother at the corner.

“Xiaowu, what are you doing?”

“I want to move out.”

Kinoyuki heard Sato roar: “If you want to go, don’t give me back. From today, I am not your mother, you are not my son!”

This is the case, but Sato has been standing outside the door, staring blankly at the truck and disappearing across from Arakawa.

Friends introduced a cheap house to Kitano Takeshi, which is one-third lower than the market. The landlord is a retired old man who builds an apartment on his own land and lives barely on rent.

At the beginning, he started to do broadcast gymnastics every day. In a few days, he fell back to the original shape. The school did not go, and the place where he worked was not gone. In the blink of an eye, the rent was owed for half a year, and Kitano was embarrassed to face the landlord, and sneaked out the window every day.

One day in winter, Kitano Take asleep until noon. The landlord knocked at the door to find him out. Kitano Takeshi thought he was going to marry him. As a result, the landlord asked him to kneel down and said that the rent he owed was all from his mother. When Kitano Takeshi moved half a year ago, Sato took a taxi and came over. She asked the landlord that her son would owe rent and told her if she was short of it.