This article is from “Drug (WeChat public ID: youhaoxifilm)“, for < /span>From: He Runzhen, the title map is from Visual China

Yang Lijuan searched on the hot.

If you pay some attention to the Chinese world’s sensation, then you should be familiar with this name: 12 years ago, this Andy Lau fan not only dropped out of school to chase stars, but also dragged his parents off the water – Yang father first tried Selling kidney to help her daughter go to Hong Kong to chase the stars, and then because Liu Dehua did not meet her daughter’s request to meet alone, jumped into the sea to commit suicide, leaving a suicide note to Liu Dehua.

This farce finally has a decent ending in twelve years: Yang Lijuan went to the Yellow River to worship the lost father. She was 41 years old and said to Lu Yu that if there is an afterlife, it will not be like the stars. My father is gone, what I can do now is to make my mother feel more comfortable.

Besides 唏嘘, when we look back at this again, we will find that Yang Lijuan’s sample suddenly has one more meaning: As a first-generation seat in the domestic fan circleMark, her unique madness that year, has become a daily life today.

Yang Lijuan of the time has several qualities: idolism, emotional paranoia, and even attempt to control each other. According to the Southern Weekend article, “You will not know me sadness – Yang Lijuan Incident Observation”, she and her reporters will express their dreams of drama with the “fate” of Andy Lau, such as Andy Lau’s arrival. By her side, she said to her, “You have run through me, what are you running?” She walked into a black house with a tape on it saying: You are my woman.

Yang Lijuan talks about the same year

These characteristics are not uncommon in today’s rice noodles. For example, LOFTER and Weibo have a large number of fan-written essays on the theme of “I”, commonly known as small composition. It’s not uncommon for fans to come to the protest brokerage company. The control is in the powder group or the company. I am afraid there is no clear answer.

But unlike Yang Lijuan’s killing of one thousand self-destructive practices, the current rice circle operation is more dexterous and more subtle. They will think about their idols, but they will be born in the same way; they will put pressure on the stars and the brokerage companies, but they will usually be in the position of the station or the community, not alone; when outsiders question their irrational At the same time, the original scattered powder group will even once again confront the public as a community. Related articles can refer to the “Cai Xukun fans in the previous case of drug abuse, Sina Weibo a “yangmou”.

Li is now sending a message to whispering private meals

Contemporary “chasing stars”, Yang Lijuan is definitely not the craziest person. She hurts more than hurts, she reveals nothing but her, she is a clumsy and hard bitter love. To be sad, her request was to see Andy Lau alone and get the signature. But it is very interesting. After so many years, mentioning madness, she is still the constant coordinates. As the times change, we may have to update this coordinate system long ago.

In the interview with Lu Yu, the early generation fan Yang Lijuan was asked a lot of questions, but he was not asked: As a fanatic representative of the previous era, how does she view the madness of fans now?

This may be that Lu Yu does not want to touch her inner wounds, but Yang Lijuan, who has been isolated from the world, may not understand why he used to be seen as crazy when he just wanted to see one side. Nowadays, the life of participating in the stars has become “scared.” usually”? Why haven’t the illegitimate children who have been involved in the star life been treated as “exposed” by the media like her?

At the age of 16, she had a dream. She dreamed of a painting on the wall. The person on the portrait was Andy Lau, and she wrote two lines next to it. “You are especially close to me, you meet me.” This dream became the beginning of her crazy love. Nowadays, this dream is actually ordinary for fans. Yang Lijuan was born twelve years earlier.

And the “sensing” that she can’t get with sweet dreams, countless fans are getting it quickly – and no one has ever felt that they are not normal.