This article comes from: Huaying Capital, cover from: Oriental IC

After the double 11 is playing a human tragedy every day: I have not waited for my regret, the courier will arrive.

Whether it is comforting yourself, “the money spent is just a way to accompany you”, or join the bloody day to ask “job to copy me”, or vow to do “the east is not buy” We all participated in this carnival of “buy and restrain, not buy” in their own way.

Where does the nature of buying and buying come from? In this issue of Huaying Xinzhi, we will start with the American evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller’s “The Primitives in the Supermarket”, exploring an explanation of the psychological causes of consumerism. Learning to spend money wisely is probably an eternal proposition of a modern person.

After the double 11 robbery, the correct understanding of “hands”.

Can humans not pick up their hands? Darwin said: No.

Showing physique and personality traits in front of ethnic groups, heterosexuals, and natural enemies/prey to gain survival advantage is human nature. The consumption behavior is the process of externalizing and displaying personal traits through commodities in today’s society.

From this perspective, the peacock’s beautiful tail feathers are no different from the Porsche sports car in attracting the opposite sex.

I. Consumption from evolution: Survival doesn’t cost a lot, but it’s expensive to show off and enjoy

What is the essence of consumerism from the perspective of human evolution?

What kind of people are easy to consume?

Maybe you have this illusion: when the credit card machine or the payment QR code sends out a “beep” confirmation sound, it seems that the whole world is tenderly approving your decision. Be careful, we are easy to fall into the trap of consumerism.

Under modern culture and values, the market can provide a wealth of materials and services, giving people a thousand ways to show personal qualities in front of countless strangers, and these personal qualities can be earned with “technical labor.” Money is bought. Going to school, work and credit are the three pillars of consumerism, and at the same time, they can reliably and conscientiously demonstrate conscientiousness and form the basis of conspicuous consumption.

With regard to the essence of consumerism, economists are interested in the ideal market, and psychologists are interested in real people. The author Geoffrey Miller is more inclined to think that this is the combination of the instinct of prehistoric life and the evolution of modern life, which is the wise model shown in the figure below.

We do consciously show off wealth, status and taste, but to a large extent, its deeper purpose will be attributed to the emergence of more basic biological advantages, showing the strength of survival and bodybuilding indicators.

What kind of people are more likely to fall into consumerism? Consumer narcissism patients usually have two faces: seeking status and seeking pleasure. This also allows the product to be divided into the following two categories.

1, Status products: Ancient Chinese officials used their official gowns embroidered with different birds and beasts to show their land.Mat/jpg/interlace/1/q/85″ data-h=”572″ data-w=”1080″>

Very goodA lot of times, it’s not so much that the restaurant sells steak, it’s better to say that it’s the sound of a steak. The quality of life represented behind it is the source of premium.

Marketing is not materialism, but rather promotes self-indulgent idealism based on subjective pleasure, social status, romance and lifestyle.

This also explains why some commodities are important in macroeconomics, but they are not very attractive to ordinary people, and they do not cause consumerism: daily raw materials such as steel and oil, water, electricity, gas, etc. Infrastructure, credit, bonds and other financial products.

And the real purpose of advertising and branding is to establish a connection between the desire of goods and consumers, and the illusion that marketing brings “demand” to satisfaction. In other words, the sale of goods is to sell us what we think we can make ourselves happier.

But in any case, we have great respect for the business world and we are grateful to all those who provide essentials, luxury goods and entertainment to the public. From the perspective of the normality of hard work, disease and death from all over the world, the life we ​​enjoy now is a fragile and fortunate accident.

three or six core traits, Dismantling consumer motivation

How does consumption help us present key individual differences?

Do pets and college diplomas are also subject to consumer psychology?

The key traits we strive to demonstrate are those that have the greatest differences between individuals and are most capable of reflecting individual social abilities and preferences. Here we combine the general intelligence and the Big Five personality model as the six core traits of consumption. Among them, our preferences present the following general rules: