The article is from WeChat public account: WeLens (ID: we-lens) , OF: Lens, from FIG title: Oriental IC

If the dating relationship between men and women in modern cities is so complicated that it is elusive, then the ultimate topic of contraception is enough to pierce the last decent point of each other.

Women bear the heavy burden of contraception, is it because men are lazy or is it limited by objective facts? Can this situation change in the future?

These seemingly painful questions may have new answers with a new invention in India.


On November 19, the Times of India issued a message, said that the country’s first male contraceptive RISUG developed by the country has entered the approval stage and will be on the market as soon as next year.

Screenshots of the Times of India-related reporting site

According to reports, once injected, this male contraceptive is valid for up to 13 years, and once launched, it is expected to replace vasectomy.

The principle is actually leaning towards the “Tomb”A polymer gel was injected into the vas deferens of a man. Under the destruction of the polymer surface electrodes in the gel, the sperm would lose vitality and could no longer successfully send troops.