living comfortably without anybody’s help.

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Editor’s note: Do you like to cook for yourself? Studies have shown that cooking can reduce anxiety and increase happiness and self-confidence. In order to satisfy your taste buds and increase sales, takeaway and supermarket packaged foods are generally high in sugar, salt and fat. Not only can you cook more healthily, but you can also enjoy the fun of cooking, which is good for your body and your mind. This article is translated from Medium, by Markham Heid, and the original title is “Cooking Is the Ultimate Antidote”, I hope to inspire you.

Cooking yourself is the

Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Michael Moss in the 2013 bestseller Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants hook Us (Michael Moss) proposed a concept that food scientists call “bliss point” (bliss point), “bliss point is the concentration or proportion of pleasing taste, which can make people maximize Enjoy the eating process to the limit and make people eager. “

Salty, sweet, high-fat tastes are the favorite of the human brain. This taste is genetically determined. These tastes are also the ones that most easily make people feel “happy.” In nature, these flavors usually indicate that a certain food is nutritious and safe to eat. But in nature, foods rich in these flavors are either scarce or have other characteristics that inhibit excessive consumption. Packaged and post-processed foods on food retailers’ shelves and menus solve this problem.

A study by the National Institutes of Health found that when a person eats sweet, salty, or fatty foods, it triggers many of the same things as opioids and other highly addictive substances. Reward system and corresponding neurochemical fluctuations. Food scientists recognize that if these three flavors can be combined, they can maximize the deliciousness of their food. Whether it’s a can of pasta sauce in a supermarket or a burrito in a fast food restaurant, thisThe purpose of these ready-to-eat foods is to make people repeat customers.

This has disastrous consequences for the health of the average American. Kristi Artz, MD, a lifestyle medical specialist at Michigan’s Spectrum Health, said: “I think it’s widely believed that the design of these foods is not just about health, but They do more harm than that, they confuse our basic biology. “

Azi said that the solution to this problem is to eat more home-cooked foods made from unprocessed ingredients.

Arz helps run Spectrum Health’s culinary medicine project, which she says will “combine the art of cooking with medical science.” The project educates people about the dangers of processed and fast food, and the benefits of homemade food. It also teaches basic cooking skills. “If you don’t know what you are doing, the food you make will not be delicious. Teach people to prepare vegetables and cut vegetables correctly, or help them use herbs and spices correctly, and you can quickly learn the skills you need Come and make a delicious meal.

Slowly, people will readjust their taste buds to the right amount of salt, sugar and fat. “In two to four weeks, people say that their taste has changed dramatically. When they choose food, they feel more in control because they are not driven by the delicious taste of high sugar, high salt, and high fat.”

Like many nutrition experts, Arz says that a plant-based diet is the healthiest. However, there is evidence that even if people are not limited to salads and other vegetable-based foods, cooking at home is a better option.

Cooking yourself is the

A 2017 study by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that people who cook for themselves tend to eat healthier and save more money than people who eat outside. Another study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity in 2017 found that eating five meals a week at home compared with people who eat less than three meals a week at home. People who eat meals are 28% less likely to be overweight. More research shows that cooking at home reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Many health-conscious Americans today focus on carbohydrate or fat intake, or add more protein to their diet, for a number of reasons, especially if it helps maintain a healthy weight or avoid it sick.

Cooking yourself is the On the other hand, the dangers of eating a lot of processed food are obvious. Observational research has been linking processed foods with increased rates of obesity and prevalence. A 2019 clinical trial by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that people who consume large amounts of processed foods not only overeat, but also Will gain weight. Robert Lustig, MD, emeritus and professor of pediatrics and endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco, said: “If we only eat ‘real food’ and not those packaging Good, heavily processed foods will solve many of our health problems. “Rastig has been studying the effects of sugar on human health.

In the book The Hacking of The American Mind, published in 2017, Rastig explains how food manufacturers use food to manipulate their brain’s reward centers to ensure that people treat themselves Products are addictive. He says cooking at home can help people get rid of the unhealthy effects of processed foods.

Cooking yourself is the The benefits of cooking may not only make you slimmer, but also reduce the risk of metabolic diseases risk. A 2018 National Institutes of Health survey found that cooking can reduce anxiety, which may be because cooking can distract people from stressors