The key to solving the problem lies in information transparency.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ rudder boat ” (ID: duozhou001 ), Author Li Yanglin.

Contemporary Chinese enterprises have two major embarrassments in their operations. First, external information is running at a high speed, while internal information is often circulating inefficiently or falsely. The most frightening thing is that the boss who is getting farther and farther from the front line, gets false information and incomplete information, which leads him to make many terrible decisions. Second, the outside is a market economy, but the inside It is a planned economy.

The company has gradually been eliminated from the market, but most of the company may not realize it until the day when the company dissolves. In addition to complaining about others and receiving salary before, it is difficult to make a difference. In fact, part of this source of embarrassment also comes from the asymmetry of information.

The efficient operation of information is a prerequisite for organization building. Today we talk about a related topic: Before solving the problem, the boss and subordinates need an open and honest dialogue.

Scene 1: I ca n’t say something in my heart

The rudder boat usually receives the needs of enterprises, and 80% of customers will mention this one: “There are very few people thinking in our team. I think of many ways, such as sorting out mission vision values ​​and designing more effective incentives Mechanism, including decentralization, let everyone take the helm personally, etc. But I’m spitting, the people below are not moving. I feel that the company has raised a lot of old white rabbits and works by inertia. I want to be motivated, I want to have Breakthrough is very difficult. “

Entrepreneurship is actually an organizational event. No matter how strong the coach (boss) is, it still depends on the team’s efforts. Just like dribbling on the court, the layup still depends on the player’s performance. If these players don’t do their best, the boss shouting at his side is useless. So to solve the boss ’problem, first understand what the team is facing? what do you need?

The rudder boat then enters the middle and high-level team of the enterprise for diagnosis. But the information obtained from the team is exactly the opposite of what the boss said. You may indeed have different levels of cognition, but your heart for doing things is the same. There are indeed immature people or people with no ideas, but at least 60% of managements really want the company to be good and hope that they can make a difference.

But because of the boss ’s position (the information he can obtain is limited, so that the decision is biased), the reason why the boss authorizes is not clear (people always think that they are very decentralized, but often they are not), the boss’s mind is uncertain Reasons (changes from day to night), as well as process systems, difficulties in collaborating with colleagues, etc., it is as if they have fallen into a trap and it is difficult to climb out, let alone make a difference?

Like the boss, the position determines the perspective, and it is generally difficult for everyone to find their own problems.

This is a very classic Rashomon description of organizational dilemmas. Before we do a team interview, we will clearly tell the other party that we want the other party to tell the truth, and we will record this interview to the boss himself. At first we were very worried. Based on this premise, would the team members dare not say? But basically everyone is unhappy. Later, I will follow up to confirm whether the boss can see it? And when did you see it?

The rudder boat serves the middle and senior level of the company. Some of these senior level have worked with the boss for more than seven or eight years. Theoretically, the trust and tacit understanding is very high, so why can’t he tell us what he can say to the boss himself? There are only three reasons. One is that it has been said to be invalid, and it has become numb after a long time.

He thought that maybe the third party said that it can play a side-by-side effect; the second is that their position determines that their relationship has conflicts of interest, and some words are inconvenient to say, and a third party needs to turn the statement; the third is this company The company has a tradition of accounting after the fall. You dare to say that I dare to wear small shoes for you. This situation is beyond the scope of this article. If it is such a company, its boss will not purchase the rudder boat service.

At the beginning, Ruozhou told the boss that we would conduct in-depth interviews with your team so that you can better understand your team. The boss’s first reaction was not so concerned. He said: “I am with you every day, I often communicate one-on-one, and I often invite everyone to eat at my own expense. I know everyone very well. Anyway, in order to make the service better, I agree with your service process.” < / p>

Finally, when the boss got a thick interview summary for middle and senior management, he was very shocked. At this time, he would say, “There is indeed a lot of information that I did n’t know before. I do n’t know what they think. They actually face a lot of problems. I tend to care more about whether they are result-oriented and ignore it. The limitations of their environment and location. Although they usually say something, it is difficult to say so thoroughly.

The rudder boat here is to say that my colleagues and superiors often eat and drink together, which does not mean that we have an open and honest conversation. Sometimes subordinates have to accompany the boss to drink and say something insincere, which is neither efficient nor even a torture.

The boss needs to understand the real situation of the employees, and not just treat everyone as a result-oriented implementation tool. In fact, we know more about employees, but also for long-term results-oriented and sustainable development of the company. Employees also need to look at their bosses with ordinary mind. Ruozhou can feel during the service process. Often in a company, the boss is a vulnerable group. The reason why he was abducted by the group is-he wants to.

Due to the almost perverted pursuit of the goal, everyone is generally distorted to see him: “He is not a normal person, does not eat human fireworks, and does not understand human suffering. He is more than 40 years old, and he has wealth and freedom. UniqloIt feels very simple and very close to the people. But we are only in our 20s, carrying a mortgage of about 20,000, and our wife is forcing us to buy a brand name every day. “This continues to develop, the two sides demonize each other, and the two go further and further.

So in the service process of Rudder Boat, we will also sort out the boss’s growth methodology. His logic of thinking about things will be shown to the team so that the team can better understand the boss-he is an energetic ordinary person.

If you want to solve the problem, if you want to guide everyone to find out the reason, it is very important that the boss and his subordinates can remove the daily mask and have an open and candid conversation “no matter what the form.” Even if this is only the first brick of the Great Wall. In the service system of the rudder boat, with such a “dialogue between superiors and subordinates”, subsequent follow-ups on training and systematic building services have successfully entered.

Scenario 2: put it on the table and say: Do you believe me? Or can’t I do it?

I still start with the boss suffering from the question “What if the team doesn’t think?” Specific analysis of specific problems, found the cause of the problem, the right solution to the problem.

The team does n’t think about it. First, they need to figure out whether everyone ca n’t or not. The way to distinguish the two reasons is simple: if he can’t keep up without thinking about his fate, would he still refuse to move? If you are still unwilling, it means that you really can’t. If you can, it means that the organization lacks the inducement to guide thinking, action, and the mechanism to stimulate.

The example of Andy Grove is very good: “If my life depends on whether I can play Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto, I will probably have to surrender; but if life or death depends on being able to survive at 20 After running 5000 meters in minutes, I will definitely let it go. It is not that I like to run 5000 meters, but the form is so aggressive that the ants are still stealthily.

In general, what we call a team that doesn’t think or act, most of the underlying reasons are “do not do”. To solve the problem of inaction, one is the incentive system and the other is the training system. If these two are to be effective, the adaptation problem must be solved. Rudder boat found that the boss thinks that what everyone needs, often it may not be needed. Therefore, based on the needs of the boss, to solve the problems of the team, which requires professional translation and translation.

Take a classic scene: the boss arranges something that he thinks is important, but he can’t see everyone’s efforts, he sees that everyone is passing and passing, and he is bored. When the impasse is pushed forward, the weaker side must be the boss, because the boss urgently needs things to happen.

And the subordinates have their own chips: even if they can’t do it, the boss can’t fire me immediately, he has no better substitute. At this time, the usual action of the boss is to call other colleagues who can compete with this subordinate without the approval of the person in charge.Method.

This caught the person in charge by surprise. Did you authorize me or didn’t authorize me, believe me, or don’t believe me? So the project became a mess-there were many people involved and not many people solved the problem. Many companies have a lot of projects, and this can be bad for years.

In order to understand this problem, Rudder Boat arranged a conversation between the boss and his subordinates, hoping to find out the crux. Because of the three parties’ guidance, everyone has a sense of security in speaking.

The response of his subordinates is: “It’s not that we didn’t work hard, but the boss didn’t see the process of our hard work, and he would be anxious. But what we are doing, we can’t report to him 24 hours a day. We can never catch up At the time of the boss, our pace will always be slower than him, because he only needs to move his mouth, and we need to dismantle the work one by one to implement specific actions.

We just made the first edition arrangement. He came in and pointed out new ideas. As a result, we were very confident at the beginning, but later we became less and less confident and felt that we were always wrong. This vicious cycle continues, no matter how hard I try, it will be difficult to reverse his stereotype about us. “

The subordinate feels that the boss cannot be a suspicious person. He should have a clear idea. After having a clear input for the goal, do not interfere in a random way. The boss is very helpless, I think I have made it very clear, but you always deform when you execute, I really do n’t know, where are you not clear.

Subordinates continue to resist: “The boss’s problem is that he feels that everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng, as if this is a day thing, but it takes a cycle to complete the project.”

One concern is “do it,” and one concern is “it takes cost to complete.”

Without such an open and honest dialogue, it is difficult for the boss to know what his subordinates think, and where the problem lies. Now he knows;

First, for this task, the boss rushes over the subordinates, and the subordinates are performing mentality;

Second, employees do not like unclear authorization;

Third, employees do n’t like you to come in and give instructions every time;

Fourth, the staff hopes that you choose me and believe me;

Fifth, I hope the boss understands that there are cycles and costs.

If you want a good player to play well, it is important to meet the needs of a good player. You must really confirm that he is the good player you want. But good players must also accept the coach’s daily supervision and guidance. Authorization is not left alone. Authorization without supervision is malfeasance, because the boss is responsible for the results. And how to supervise and guide requires professional guidance and methods.

Based on this sort of current situation, if you want employees to think about it, Rudzhou sincerely suggests that in the new economic era, business managers need to learn the “creation of goals”Management approach. Why is it so highly recommended?

First, reduce tearing. The goal of co-creation is to allow employees to participate in the formulation of goals. When he participates, he hopes that this thing will be done well. If it is only delegated, the possibility of tearing it out is very high. Solve the problem of positivity;

Second, check the gripper explicitly. In the case of confirming the goal, everyone disassembles the key elements in the implementation together, and clarifies the time node, so that the boss’s supervision will be grasped, instead of knocking at the door every time, annoying the subordinates. It ’s ok to check on time and amount;

Third, clarify the relationship of trust. Confirmation of goals and confirmation of key elements is equivalent to the subordinates’ commitment to this job. You can complete it. The company rewards you. You cannot complete it. The company replaces you or downgrades. Caught in a dispute over the case of the official court case of Hulu.

Fourth, the information is transparent. Why does the boss intervene? It wasn’t because he felt insecure, he didn’t know what was happening in the “black box of execution”. And if the goal is clear and the key elements of execution are clear, the boss knows what everyone is doing and can also increase the boss’s sense of security accordingly.

All problems have corresponding solutions. As long as we don’t resort to emotions, we should rationally find a solution to the problem, although sometimes using emotions is also the solution. However, if you want to find the correct solution, sufficient, timely, and correct information acquisition is the key step before the decision. This key is lost. Later you can only rely on luck. Failure is inevitable.

So if our organization is facing a problem, we might as well try it beforehand: let’s have an open and honest conversation.