This article is from the public number: Blackboard Insight (ID: heibandongcha) < / a> , author: black congregation, the original title, “Nov. education sector financing report: 45 companies Owned over 20 billion yuan, the major track entered the final stage》 Picture from: Visual China

In November 2019, a total of 45 financing incidents occurred in the education industry, with total financing exceeding 2 billion. The largest financing was a strategic investment of US $ 150 million from Shanghai Capital, which was obtained by the subsidiary of NetDragon.

(Note: In accordance with the usual practice, the amount of financing has not been disclosed. In order to facilitate the statistics, we calculate the amount according to the rules of taking intermediate values- For millions of financing, 3 million will be used for calculation; for tens of millions of financing, 30 million will be used for calculation; in addition, for the sake of conservativeness, we will use 6 million for nearly 10 million financing, and for nearly 10 million US dollars, use 6 million US dollars, or 36 million RMB. Calculated; 10 million refers to 10 million; nearly 100 million refers to 60 million; 100 million refers to 100 million. Attached: Financing time is calculated based on media disclosure time.

01 Financing Round

From the data point of view, the equity financing accounted for 35.5% of the 16 financing rounds in November, ranking first in the financing round. Round A and Angel Round ranked second and third with 7 and 5 respectively.

It is worth noting that during the financing round in November, the proportion of early financing continued to decline. Compared with the proportion of early financing of 70% in September and 50% in October, the proportion of early financing in November fell to 40. %.

02 geographical distribution

Regarding the geographical distribution, the geographical distribution of financing in November was still dominated by the three cities in the north, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, which were basically the same as in October. However, the geographical distribution of financing has expanded, from only 7 cities in October to 12 cities in November.

Among them, the three cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Guangzhou occupy 60% of the entire financing area, compared with 83% in October. Beijing ranked first with 12 cases and Guangdong followed with 10 cases. There were 5 financings in Shanghai and 4 financings in Jiangsu, ranking third and fourth respectively. In addition, Hong Kong, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Hunan and Fujian each had 2 financings, and Anhui and Tianjin each had 1 financing.

03 Financing Volume

In November, the number of financing events was 4 in the million-level volume, accounting for 9%; there were 10 in the tens of millions, accounting for 22%; There were 8 cases, accounting for 18%. Compared with the number of events in October, the number of financing events in November increased by 21, nearly doubling. The total financing amount is more than 2 billion yuan, which has nearly doubled from less than 800 million yuan in October.

The number of undisclosed financing events reached 23, of which 15 were equity financing.

There are 8 financings of 100 million yuan, of which the largest financing is the US $ 150 million strategic financing obtained by NetDragon Education’s subsidiary. (900 million yuan) , followed by the 400 million RMB Series C financing obtained by the programming cat.


In the segmentation in November, K12 financing amount and quantity led the whole track, ranking first in the segmentation with 13 cases ; STEAM ranked second in the amount with 12 cases , Corporate services ranked third with an amount of 10.

In the K12 education subdivision track, training institutions and learning tools accounted for 5 and 6 respectively, covering 85% of K12 education. Among them, NetDragon Education’s subsidiary obtained a strategic financing of US $ 150 million. This is the financing event with the largest amount of financing this month.

Program education and art training accounted for 5 of the various STEAM track segments. Compared with art training, companies involved in the programming education track involve a larger amount of financing, concentrated in the tens of millions or billions of yuan. Financing and 100 million RMB financing obtained by Lanzhou Technology.

05attachment table


In November 2019, there were 45 financing events in the education industry, with a total of more than 2 billion yuan. Compared with the total of 759 million yuan in 24 financing events in October, the financing data for November has increased significantly.

The K12 circuit took the top spot in the financing amount in November, and contributed 1.24 billion yuan in the total amount of data exceeding 2 billion yuan, accounting for 54% of the total amount. The largest transaction came from a $ 150 million financing from NetDragon Education. Compared to the $ 63 million raised in the K12 track in October, the November funding data proves that the K12 track is still full of energy.

At the same time, the STEAM track financing amounted to 715 million yuan, accounting for 31% of the total amount. The financing for the corporate service track was 133 million yuan, accounting for 5.8% of the total amount.

2019 is coming to an end. Each track in the education industry has entered a sprint stage. Under the policy supervision and market elimination, who can laugh the last? let us wait and see.

This article is from the public number: blackboard insight (ID: heibandongcha) , author: Wu all