The term “performance evaluation” can make the most confident employees anxious.

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Editor’s note: There is only the last month left in 2019. The performance evaluation at the end of this year is now the most important thing for every company and animal. Because this is directly related to the number of year-end awards, directly related to subsequent promotions, and so on. This year’s economic cold winter, many companies’ year-end awards and performance awards have been greatly reduced, and the work load of social animals has continued to increase. You must also spend your energy to avoid becoming the next round of being Object of abolition.

If you are upset about the year-end performance evaluation talk, then you are not alone. These four steps in the article will help ensure that you can have a productive and painless conversation.

This article is translated from fastcompany, by Judith Humphrey, the founder of The Humphrey Group, a leading leadership communications company, originally titled “This is how to crush your year-end review “, I hope to inspire you.

The following is the text:

The term “performance evaluation” can make the most confident employees anxious. This is understandable. 70% of companies happen every year, this is the place where your boss can throw any questions at you. They can applaud you, or leave you there, make you feel competent or incompetent, and promise you a raise or no raise.

In the workplace, 75% of employees say that dealing with the boss is the most stressful part of their work, and these one-to-one annual exchanges are full of pressure. So what can you do to create a more positive experience in your year-end assessment?

First, prepare a framework for debriefing and influence the boss’s ideas

When we are afraid of something, we tend to be less prepared. However, if you want to make sure the conversation goes smoothly, preparation is key. Don’t wait to see what your boss thinks of you. Determine what you think of yourself before this meeting and write down what you think.

Preparing a framework for job descriptions will help you perform well in performance evaluation meetings:

  • First of all, thank you for the opportunity this year. Gratitude is anythingGreat background for conversation.

  • Summarize your year in one sentence.

  • List three to four achievements and their corresponding details to prove your achievements.

  • Identify an area you want to improve or develop.

  • It ends with a “call to action”, indicating that you will continue to work hard.

    2019 is over, how do you prepare for year-end performance evaluation?

    Second, integrate your perspective into the conversation and promote yourself

    After personal statements, you need to defend other people’s questions and queries. This link is very important.

    Performance evaluation should include your point of view, so you need to internalize your prepared conversation framework into your own version and promote yourself.

    If your indicator numbers are very good, you also need some skills. At least it seems that these indicators are not so easy to achieve. They come from the bloody battle between you and the team.

    You have a lot of opportunities to do this.

    Suppose your boss first asks you: “So, what do you think of your year?” You can summarize the information you want to share into one sentence, for example, “This is a very useful A year of success. “Then take her through your main achievements. It ends with a call to action, indicating that you will continue to work hard. “I look forward to the new year and have more opportunities to support the team.”

    Suppose your boss didn’t give you that opening remark. You can incorporate your perspective into the conversation and reinforce the positive words your boss says. Moreover, if there is a project that is not doing well, or if you do not show it in a certain field, you can also consider this in advance, find a way to explain the reason, and it can make your boss feel that it is really difficult, Not subjective, you can’t.

    At the same time, you should try to find some bright data when the indicator numbers are not good.

    The worst case is that your boss gives you a negative performance evaluation, then you will definitely carry a self-affirming version of the conversation (actually it haunts your mind), so you can use polite but positive Positive statements respond to negative comments.

    Third, don’t overreact to the boss’s words in support of the conversation

    Throughout the conversationIn the process, you will need to be polite and collaborative, so remember:

    Every time your boss finishes speaking and you are ready to answer, you need to respond appropriately, not overreact. The difference between the two is that the response is based on the boss’s words and responds calmly and positively. The response is a subconscious stress rebuttal. The last thing you want to do is to create a hostile tone during the conversation.

    If your boss says he agrees with you, you can easily respond. You might say, “Thank you, and I’m proud of it.” A response also means that you accept compliments, not rejection or humility. For example, if your manager says yes, do n’t say “really?” or “Nothing.”

    If your boss says something you do n’t agree with, your situation is even harder. Don’t reflect “That’s not true!” And respond with comments that sound supportive. You might say “I can understand how you feel”, or “Yes, we have a challenge on this project.” Then go on to show your views on the situation. For example, you might say, “I paid a lot for this project. Although it may not be obvious, I believe this is one of my best learning experiences this year.”

    Four, please inquire about future and salary increase opportunities before leaving

    Next, your conversation is almost over and you are ready to leave. Don’t leave the conversation until you ask your boss what he plans to do for you next year. If you feel you’re ready for a promotion, especially if you’ve spent a great year and have worked long enough on the same job, please ask the following questions: ” What do you think of my future in this department? “If she hasn’t considered it, or if she sees a future different from yours, then you most likely need a new company or a new department.

    But don’t give up. “I want to make progress and believe I’m ready to take on a new role or take on other responsibilities. Can we discuss it? If she says time is up, then ask for a second meeting to discuss your career.

    If your boss is unwilling to take the next step, then you have learned something: it’s time to move on.

    The same outspoken attitude applies to questions about salary. Your year-end performance evaluation is a good time to ask for a raise.

    Suppose the discussion is about to end, and we haven’t talked about salary. Go for it. You can say, “In your opinion, considering I did a good job this year, will there be a raise?”

    Hoo! You’ve thrown the question out, open the skylight and speak brightly. It’s your boss’s turn now. She might say”Well, given that our budget is tight, we haven’t given you a raise.” You can say, “I really believe I should increase my salary.” And explain why. Or you can ask for a separate meeting, say, “Can we sit down and discuss this issue and explore what I can do to get to the next level?” You want to leave with a commitment.

    It does n’t matter what your company ’s performance evaluation is, or if there is no such thing at all.

    It is important that you understand the survival rules of this company to help you survive and develop better.

    I wish you all a happy job, a promotion and a raise!

    Translator: Bai Lanji