This article is from the public number: BB Ji (ID: bibiji300) , author: GK, title figure from: vision China

Seeing that this year is coming to an end, someone needs to askWhat are my hottest cartoons in 2019, I will not hesitate to answer: “Devil’s Blade”.

Charcoal world first

Even if the animation has been completed for several months, it will still be searched on Weibo for new comic information.

What’s even more rare is that “Devil’s Blade” has achieved “out of the circle” in various forms.

The sand sculpture expression pack was first made by netizens and has been widely used.

Later, even the big black brother cosplayed Tanjiro. We must know that unless it is really Diran, they won’t get their favor.

I saw so many people like ghosts like me, and friends around me were also succeeded by Amway. I was happy and happy on my face.