What are the dangers of staying up late to play with mobile phones

Mobile phones make it easier for people to connect, no matter how far apart people are, mobile phones can connect everyone together, but the emergence of mobile phones also gives people It brings some security risks, especially the mobile phone family. It has always been inseparable from the mobile phone, and it will play until late at night. So what is the danger of staying up late to play mobile phones? Follow the editor to understand.

First of all, staying up late to play with your mobile phone has the greatest impact on your eyesight. Watching your mobile phone while lying in bed for a long time is likely to cause eye vision deviation. In addition, under the pressure of the pillow, the eyes may cause insufficient blood supply to the eyes, and the eyes will have a feeling of swelling. Another thing is that the line of sight from the mobile phone will fatigue the muscles of the eyes, the eyes are unable to condense, and the vision becomes blurred.

Secondly, the skin damage caused by staying up to play mobile phones at night is also very serious. At night, the body ’s resistance is weak, and the body ’s health will be damaged without reasonable rest. . Moreover, the mobile phone has a high technology content. If you look at the mobile phone at a close distance for a long time, your face is prone to acne, and the skin condition becomes worse and worse.

Finally, staying up late to play with mobile phones will greatly affect people ’s physiological cycle. The most direct impact is to put people in a light sleep state, which greatly reduces people ’s sleep time. Poor sleep quality for a long time will definitely affect the study, life and work the next day.