How to supplement male hormones

Some people think that male hormones are only available to men. In fact, men and women have androgens, but they are only slightly different, and females have more female hormones. The opposite is true for men. Male sex hormones that are masculine are generally more. So, how to supplement male hormones?

There are many ways of supplementing male hormones, more exercise can supplement male hormones, such as playing basketball, playing football, etc., so that not only can exercise, but also supplement male hormones, let Men are more attractive. During exercise, men will promote the secretion of adenosine, thereby increasing male hormones in the blood of men. This is the healthiest way to supplement male hormones.

Males can also supplement male hormones from their diet, such as eating more black food, black fungus, black sesame, black beans, black rice, etc. These black foods are Men’s kidneys are better. When a man’s kidney is better, it will affect sexual function and allow male hormones to be secreted better. You can also eat more nuts, such as seeds, walnuts and so on.

In addition to the above methods, men can also take androgen supplement drugs. In addition, you need to eat more meat, such as beef, chicken and so on. Usually pay attention to rest, do not stay up late, relax yourself, too much pressure will affect the secretion of male hormones.