how to help digest

Many people may not digest well because they do n’t pay attention to food or are unwell. If this situation persists, it is easy to hinder the absorption of nutrients, which is not beneficial to human health. Therefore, in normal times, if a digestive abnormality occurs, you need to pay attention to solve it. So, how can it help digestion?

First of all, if you want better digestion, then do n’t eat too much at once at ordinary times. In particular, many people usually have the habit of overeating, which is not only bad for the body, but also easy to affect digestion problems, resulting in insufficient absorption of food and no benefit to the body. Therefore, it is necessary to develop good eating habits every day. When eating, chew slowly and eat slowly.

Secondly, if you want to digest better, you should also pay attention to exercise regularly, especially after eating, you can walk for half an hour to help digestion. Because when the person is exercising, the gastrointestinal tract will also peristaltically move. At this time, if there is food in the gastrointestinal tract, it will be digested and absorbed. And proper exercise can help improve resistance and make gastrointestinal function healthier.

In addition, if you want to digest better, you can usually eat some foods that are helpful for digestion, such as leeks, celery and other foods, the fiber is relatively thick, which is conducive to intestines. People with poor digestion can usually eat more of this kind of food. And don’t eat too greasy, fat can easily hinder the digestion of the stomach.