Can you eat vitamin c after drinking alcohol < / p>

Now people always like to drink some wine when it ’s okay, especially for some male friends who need to be entertained by work. It is okay to drink softly, drink heavily and injure one’s body. It is possible to drink some wine properly in life, but there are more things to pay attention to after drinking. So, can you eat vitamin C after drinking?

Drinking vitamin C is not allowed after drinking. Although vitamin C is a health product, it is also a kind of medicine. The harm after drinking alcohol is really Too much, so it is not recommended to drink alcohol before or after taking medicine.

It is better to take vitamin c half an hour after a meal. The food eaten half an hour after a meal has been basically digested and the body has been supplemented. Vitamin c < span style = "text-indent: 32px;"> Eat this time digestion and absorption is also better, dimensional c stay in the small intestine < span style = "text-indent: 32px;"> Longer , can be absorbed more fully. However, it should be noted that if dimensional c cannot be eaten half an hour after a meal, it is also possible to eat vitamin c immediately after eating.

When eating vitamin c, you need to pay attention to the following: 1. People with gastrointestinal ulcers should use caution dimensional c , to avoid the deterioration of ulcers and bleeding of digestive tract ; 2. Poor renal function People can’t take vitamin c; 3. When taking vitamin c, they can’t take it with drugs; 4. While taking vitamin c, they can’t take ginseng.