Can fever eat ice cream

When it comes to fever, I believe many people have experienced it. The state of dizziness and hot body is really uncomfortable. Fever is the most common clinical symptom. Every time a fever occurs, many people will think about what foods should be avoided and what can be eaten. Among them, some people have such doubts: Can fever eat ice cream?

If you have a fever, you can eat ice cream. Although many people think that you should avoid these ice creams when they have a fever, there is no direct connection between the two, so it is indeed possible. Eat, but ice cream is cold, eating too much is not conducive to the recovery of the disease, it is better to eat less. If you have a fever, it is advisable to go to the doctor in time and cooperate with the treatment to avoid more and more serious conditions.

What foods can people with fever have

1. Rice soup is a good choice. The carbohydrates contained in rice soup can provide patients with water and facilitate the absorption of gastrointestinal tract. Mung bean soup can “lower the fire” for fever patients. In addition, when you have a fever, you should drink plenty of hot water to help expel toxins.

2. Milk is also drinkable. There is a certain amount of protein in the milk, which can provide nutritional supplement to the patient. Fresh juices, such as watermelon juice, pear juice, and orange juice are all drinkable, because watermelon juice has a diuretic effect and can excrete toxins from the body; pear juice can relieve cough and expectorant; orange juice can clear lungs and phlegm, and it also has fever. help.