Walnut skin is dark and can you eat

People who eat more edible nuts are good for health and have brain-enhancing effects, such as pistachios, almonds and walnut kernels. Some people will cook walnut kernels in porridge or eat raw walnuts, so can the walnut skin be dark?

It is better not to eat walnut skin when it is dark, and generally do not eat it if the food of oil crops becomes dark. If the walnuts are high-quality, the skin will appear light yellow, and the inferior walnuts will appear black. If the flesh inside the walnut is not smelly, it can be eaten when it is moldy or rancid, but if the walnut kernels become yellow or black, it is better not to eat it, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the body.

Warm walnuts have a warm and sweet taste, and have the effect of intestines and kidneys and warming the lungs. It is suitable for patients with constipation, sore waist and knees, cough due to cold and impotence. Walnuts contain more nutrients such as minerals, proteins, and amino acids. They have the effect of lowering blood lipids, moisturizing the lungs and strengthening the kidneys. They can also prevent coronary heart disease patients from eating more.

When people buy walnuts, they should observe the surface of the walnuts. In order to make the walnuts look good, some businesses will use sulfur fumigation and bleach to rinse, so as to achieve white color. It is also better to choose walnuts that are rich in oil, yellow in color, full, and large.