Even the night before, I finished the midnight meal with Ah Shan. After returning home, I washed my hair and took a shower. It was about 12 o’clock. When my hair was not dry, I went to the Internet and waited for my hair to dry before going to bed. After a while, I will minimize my space after a while, I will look at the people in QQ, pull up and pull down, and pull down to where the people below are offline, and suddenly TT prompts, Your QQ has been cancelled, is the space closed? And so on, I’ll read QQ immediately, and QQ will stop writing on the signature of the classmate—*……* Hell there (and this signature was changed by two friends at the same time, but they don’t know it), I’m already afraid I immediately went to QQ again, but I couldn’t connect. I looked at the router and flashed. I immediately wanted to open the miniaturized space again. As a result, it froze. After a few seconds, (I didn’t do anything, I was too scared) It turned on automatically, but it stopped when I turned it on again. I was so scared that I immediately pressed the power and shut down the computer automatically. At that time, I was scared that I wanted to go to the toilet, so I turned on the light of the room, but I couldn’t turn it on. So I immediately went to the toilet to turn on the light, and turned it on twice before it turned on. As a result, the light flashed and flickered. I was very scared and immediately asked my mother, why can’t I turn on the light in my room? After my mother was woken up by me, the toilet light suddenly stopped flashing. Mom told me to get it again. After going to the toilet, I went back to the room in fear. So I thought about it, why did QQ stop signing at it (—*%…damn). The sound of coughing upstairs was gone. The first two nights. Did it scare me? Thinking that I was scared to death, I immediately called someone and didn’t listen to me. I set the fan for 2 hours and found that the blowing fan will be very fierce and weak for a while, and it’s obvious that I Just turn him to the minimum speed, and then call again, I said things, because I was too scared, I couldn’t sleep, I talked, I suddenly felt very hot, (because I was scared), I found out that the fan suddenly automatically closed! I said that I just adjusted the timing, it is impossible to turn off so quickly! Is it dead? I looked at the router, and it was all turned off, but I was too scared, so I dared not move anymore, and fell asleep in panic, and tomorrow, my mother said, no electricity. There was no electricity early in the morning. Scared me, thinking, what happened last night, is a harbinger of no electricity. . still is. . . There are other reasons. ?

Because of this incident, I thought about the night that happened a few years ago, and I was the only one at home. Playing with my favorite Bubble Dragon at the time, I was used to chatting on the table at that time. Several people chatted together. Suddenly someone said that today is Ghost Festival! I said, right? It’s *month now, it can’t be a ghost festival. Who said that on our side, today is a ghost festival. I was ready to reply, suddenly, the monitor, the lights, or something. All turned off automatically! There is no electricity in the whole house! ~I thought, isn’t it so evil? Just talked about this topic. Think about it, hey, sleep better. Too scared. I don’t know when there will be electricity, because I was so shocked, so I fell asleepLong. Before I fell asleep, I heard that my mother was back! I was thinking, finally not so scared! I just wanted to say that there is no electricity! The lights in my room turned on automatically. . Because I just turned off the light, I forgot to turn off the power. , I went to turn on the computer, preparing to say that there was no electricity just now, and found that everyone was gone. I don’t remember who said that it’s Ghost Festival today. . . .

Usually there is no electricity suddenly at night, usually no electricity at noon or morning, or no electricity until night. After living for so long, under the circumstances I knew, the two nights were suddenly without electricity. .