A few children roamed about in the bazaar, swimming in the crowd like a loach.
Suddenly, the headed child bumped into the oncoming person in the chase. He lowered his head violently and was about to slip away, but he was dragged down by a gentle voice: “Do you want to see tricks?”
/>All the children gathered, and the man hurriedly took a small puppet out of his pocket. www.guidaye.com Ghost Story
I saw him flexibly grasp the thread of the control puppet, and let the puppet perform various difficult movements: nod, squeeze, front flip, back Somersault… won applause from the small audience.
The last climax part of the puppeteer made almost every joint of the small puppet rotate 360 ​​degrees-naturally also won the praise of everyone for a long time.
At the end of the market, there were no more people left. The puppet master silently packed his rucksack. When he was about to put the puppet in the bag, the puppet suddenly said with a bitter face: “Today You almost twisted my arm. Do you know if it hurts?”
The puppeteer replied expressionlessly: “You didn’t treat me that way.” The chattering “puppet” was thrown into the bag.