How to feel the pain of uterine bloating

The female uterus is a very important part of the reproductive system, and is also prone to some gynecological diseases. For example, some women often have a small abdomen with falling pain and discomfort in daily life. So what’s going on with uterine pain?

Symptomatic symptoms such as swelling and falling in the uterus of women, the causes of which are often related to the following:

1. Some women during menstruation or just before menstruation experience discomfort such as hidden pain of falling under the palace, which is mostly related to their poor menstrual blood discharge. In particular, women with palace cold syndrome stagnate due to cold, and the cold in the lower abdomen can also cause menstrual blood stasis and can not be discharged smoothly, causing uterine pain. There are also congenital stenosis of the cervix or endometrial adhesions, which can also affect the menstrual bleeding during menstruation, so it can also cause uterine pain.

2. Women often suffer from uterine tenderness in the small abdomen, and it may be related to gynecological diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease, appendicitis, endometritis, and uterine fibroids . And such gynecological diseases are often accompanied by other discomfort symptoms, such as abnormal vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and even fever and loss of appetite.

If a woman’s small abdomen often swells and is accompanied by the above-mentioned various discomfort symptoms, you should consider having a close relationship with this type of cause. You should go to the hospital for gynecology through leucorrhea tests, ultrasound examination Various methods such as colposcopy can be used for symptomatic treatment after confirming the cause of uterine pain.