I am in love, and my world is grey. I couldn’t face everything around me. I chose to escape and took my simple luggage and shut down my phone to go wandering alone.

For a long time, I have always had a wish in my heart to travel with my first love, so that our love footprint can be found all over the country. But this beautiful desire turned into a bubble with broken love, broken in an instant.

Now my heart longs for peace.

I carried a simple suitcase and came to an unknown town. The appearance of this small town is like my present life, it is gray and messy.

I didn’t care to browse the disgusting rubbish piled up on the roadside, so I just found a dilapidated small hotel.

The owner of the hotel took me to a clean suite, but I shook my head. When I pointed to the old suite away from the other guest rooms, the boss’s eyes became strange. Then he shook his head firmly and said, “No, that room cannot be occupied.” But I had reached the door of the suite, and I opened the door to look at it, and there was a damp breath. I opened the door all the way and let the sunlight shine into the room. I said, “The moisture inside can stay.” Then I took the luggage into the room.

The boss hurriedly blocked me, he said to me for a long time: “There have been people who have died here. Several of the guests living in this suite committed suicide. One of them committed suicide by cutting his wrist. It’s terrifying to bleed all over the place.”

I looked inside, I felt a slight bloody smell in the humid air, I stand still Suddenly it felt like a magic in the house was pulling me. I said to the boss decisively: “I am not afraid, I will live here.”

The boss looks at me like a lunatic. www.guidaye.com

He trembled and said, “There is another person who died of taking medicine. When I found her, she turned pale and her eyes were blue. Bells, the expression on his face is distorted and painful, and I will never forget that dead face in my life…”

“I’m not afraid!” I am determined, and I will live no matter what the boss says. Don’t go inside. Eventually the boss couldn’t convince me, he shook his head and left. Halfway through, he turned back and said, “This suite is really evil. Will you change the room? I will give you a discount.”

“No need.” I don’t know either. Why is it so firm, why not afraid at all. I looked at the house very calmly, then the corners of my mouth rose slightly. The boss saw my smile as if he saw a ghost and fled away. I think people are really foolish and funny, and the living ones are in turn afraid of the dead.

I waited for the boss to leave, and I fell on the bed. My tiredness hit my eyelids, and I soon fell asleep.

I don’t know when I woke up. I glanced at the round moon outside the window and gave out a mysterious red light. At this time, a delicate fruit knife on the bedside table attracted my attention. I picked it up. The knife looks carefully. The blade is very sharp. I didn’t even put the knife on my left wrist. I heard a voice saying to me: “Cut down, cut…”

Demon Under the strange moonlight, a bloody figure suddenly appeared. Her eyes were full of magic. She stared straight at my eyes and said to me: “Cut it, cut it, and there will be no more pain. I saw my girlfriend in her eyes, and she threw herself into the arms of a boy. My tears shed, desperately, the cold blade sharply stimulated my spirit.
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