This article is from the official account:Fresh Capital (ID: freesvc) , author: Liu Pengqi, title figure from: vision China
(China 14%)

It can be said that from the 1970s and 1980s that money was mainly used for real estate investment, to the moment that the financial assets allocated by residents far exceed other types of assets, the United States has completed asset transformation through the development of these decades.

V. Innovation Opportunities for China’s Capital Market in the Field of Fintech

Fresh Capital has been paying attention to the financial technology track since its establishment, and has invested in more than ten companies in the fields of consumer finance, supply chain finance, wealth management, asset management, financial big data, insurance technology, etc.

We believe that with the gradual opening of China’s capital market, there will be far more opportunities for Fintech entrepreneurship in China than in the United States.

This aspect benefits from China’s huge market, the still rapidly developing economy, and the rapidly growing middle class.

On the other hand, it is also because the development logic of financial technology in China and the United States is different. In the US capital market, institutionalization was completed before the new generation of information technology, and competitive pressures made most innovations appear within financial institutions. The long-term growth of Chinese financial institutions is under the protection of licenses and access. At the same time, they are faced with increased market competition, foreign investment, and the pressure of technology update and iteration. They rely on external third-party financial technology companies to quickly transform and upgrade into the mainstream. This is also ours. The main reason for the structural optimism in this direction.

Going back to the topic we discussed today, facing this round of historic asset transformation opportunities, we believe that the current or inevitable changes in the future are mainly concentrated in two