Early that day, as soon as I arrived at the company, the courier sent a wedding invitation. Lin Ye smiled bitterly. It was the wedding season. This month, she has attended three weddings. Needless to say, it must be It is a “red bomb”. However, the design of the wedding invitation is in line with Lin Ye’s intention. It is not tacky red, but elegant white. The face of the wedding invitation is also simple and generous. There is only a red 囍 in the center. Lin Ye really likes it the more I look at it. Finally, I couldn’t put it down.

It has been three years since Lin Ye and her boyfriend have known each other. The relationship between the two can be described as twists and turns, but fortunately, Lin Ye finally won it. Although, in the process, she used Through some small tricks, and hurt another woman, but in the face of love, which woman is not selfish? Now, the relationship between the two has stabilized, and Lin Ye felt that it was time to marry himself. And seeing such a simple and generous white wedding invitation at the moment, it fits her in the mood of going all the way to Bohe, and she thinks that she will use this wedding invitation for her wedding next month.

The left side of the inner page of the wedding invitation is the same as other wedding invitations, indicating the time and place of the wedding banquet; the right side is different, it is a few lines of handwritten characters : When I was young, I rushed with my husband. At that time, we could not hold the wedding due to poor family. Now we have our own business, so we decided to make up the wedding. We sincerely invite you to come! It can be seen that this is a loving couple. The woman has never even had a wedding of her own, but she still follows the man with all her heart. She must have suffered a lot for love and suffered a lot of grievances. After reading the content of the wedding invitation, Lin Ye liked this wedding invitation with unique design and full of warmth even more. However, the signature of the wedding invitation is a little strange, and there is only one bride: Dong Qing. Lin Ye searched hard for the name in his mind, but to no avail. Maybe it’s an old friend, Lin Ye thought.

Calling her boyfriend in a hurry, Lin Ye told him that she had received a white wedding invitation in the morning. She liked this design style very much and would choose this when they got married. One, and finally told him the touching story. Unexpectedly, the boyfriend said that he also received the same wedding invitation in the morning, except that the time for the banquet was an hour earlier than Lin Ye’s. The boyfriend doesn’t remember the bride named Dong Qing, but the two finally decided to go to the appointment. After all, to be able to witness such a true love that can only be found in fairy tales, no matter what makes people feel warm.

I was surrounded by good feelings all day long. After work, Lin Ye went straight to the city’s largest commercial center. She would personally help the “new couple” choose a gift. The selected “Golden Lily” is a pricey “Golden Lily”, which means that it is better than Jin Jian and a hundred years of harmony. The gift was selected and the time was just right. Lin Ye called her boyfriend before rushing to the wedding scene, but the short tone from the other party could not be connected. According to the time calculation, the boyfriend should have been at the wedding scene. Because he went out an hour early.