This article is from WeChat official account:Road shop (ID: zailushangzazhi), of: clouds, from the head of FIG:” You Are 2 “stills

Nowadays when the freedom of dressing is highly tolerated by the society, whether you are a social animal who has to bring two sets of clothes to work, or you will put on a wig and a dress with a wig to watch the transvestite from time to time with your girlfriend.

The psychological preparation that most people are not prepared for is that your relatives choose your outfit from here after you die:

Think of the red underwear that the previous generation of young people were forced to wear in their birth year. No one born in the 90s and 00s can accept an accidental death after being casually put on a piece of “Fu Lu Shou”.

If the instinctive fear of death gave birth to human civilization, then the aesthetic war of transcending survival is the reason for Shroud to take the runway.