What to do if you get old fast after amenorrhea

After amenorrhea, women’s ovarian function gradually declines, and menopause is about to come, the appearance will decline, physical strength will decline, and insomnia will be easy. The aging rate will be faster after amenorrhea, so women are not willing to come to amenorrhea. So what should I do if I grow old quickly after amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is something that every woman needs to experience. After amenorrhea, there are actually some ways to delay aging, maintain the body, and enhance physical fitness. Such as proper exercise and physical exercise. It is recommended that women usually take some outdoor activities and often sunbathe, which can promote the absorption of calcium, and muscle contraction during exercise will play a role in stretching the bones, which can increase bone density.

Dietary care is also very important. You need to pay attention to a reasonable diet. You can eat fish, shrimp, milk, bone soup, eggs, green vegetables and other foods, which are good for the skin. . If you have bad habits in your life, such as smoking, drinking, drinking coffee, etc., it is recommended to quit, and you need to control your salt intake.

It is recommended to have an active checkup. Women need to have a bone density check every year and take preventive measures. Supplementing estrogen can also delay aging, regulate the body, and nourish the ovaries. If you need supplementation, you can supplement it under the guidance of a doctor to give full play to the effect.