Seriously undersmooth cervix

Women’s cervix is ​​very important. Many women avoid gynecological diseases for their health , Will go to the hospital for some gynecological care and examinations, so that we can understand the situation of the cervix in time, and the situation of the cervix is ​​not smooth in the gynecology department. Is the cervical irritation serious?

When the estrogen secretion in the female body is excessive, it will cause the columnar epithelium of the cervix to shift and replace the squamous epithelium. Cervical under-smooth phenomenon, whether it is serious or not needs to be judged according to the situation. If the cervical lack of smoothness is caused by the displacement of the columnar epithelium, this situation is generally a physiological manifestation and is not serious, so there is no need to worry too much.

In addition to physiological phenomena, the phenomenon of cervical undersmoothness may also be caused by pathological factors. The more common ones include cervical inflammation. If Women who have long-term inflammation will stimulate the surface of the cervix, which will easily lead to pathological erosion on the surface of the cervix. Once such a situation is discovered, treatment should be taken in time to avoid aggravation of the disease and affect health.

Lack of cervix smoothness refers to the erosion of women’s cervix. Usually the female cervix is ​​mainly composed of squamous epithelium, so the surface of the cervix is ​​relatively smooth through observation. If a woman is experiencing a phenomenon of less smooth cervixAt times, when bleeding or abnormal vaginal discharge occurs during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to take timely treatment.