Can I drink milk if I eat sweet potatoes

Sweet potato is one of the most popular whole grains, and milk is also a commonly used drink. I believe many people know that foods interact with each other, and some cannot be matched. And eat each other. Sweet potatoes and milk are common foods. So, can I drink milk if I eat sweet potatoes?

Yes, sweet potatoes are coarse grains that are rich in minerals, starch and dietary fiber. Milk is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is a very good food for the body. The combination of the two can enhance nutrition. The protein in sweet potato belongs to semi-complete protein, and the protein in milk belongs to complete protein. The combination of sweet potato and milk can realize the complementary effect of protein and increase nutrition, and sweet potato can also supplement more dietary fiber and B vitamins.

But the dietary fiber in sweet potatoes can stimulate the secretion of gastric acid, which may cause the acid in the stomach to flow upwards to the esophagus, irritating the esophagus, and causing symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn. Milk is a sweet food, and eating both will increase the chance of reflux. Therefore, whether you can drink milk or not to eat sweet potatoes depends on whether the stomach can tolerate it.

Sweet potatoes and persimmons should not be eaten at the same time in a short time. If they are eaten at the same time, the sugar in sweet potatoes will ferment in the stomach, which will increase the secretion of gastric acid and increase the tanning in persimmons. The quality and pectin reaction will cause precipitation and agglomeration, produce hard lumps, and large amounts can cause gastrointestinal bleeding or cause gastric ulcer.